
Wed 9:30-12:20 SUR 3240
Open Lab TBD

Instructor: Lyn Bartram
SUR 2759 (office)
SUR 3760 (lab)

email lyn@sfu.ca
office (bad) 778 782 7439
lab (better) 778 782 8009
mobile (best) 604 908 9954
TA: Maha El Meseery
email melmeseea@sfu.ca













News and updates

Jan 3, 2018: Happy New Year and welcome to IAT 355.

Important: In this course we focus on the principles and practice of visual analytics embodied in  problem-based learning.  This will really benefit from both your active participation and your feedback thoughout the class.

General Information

This course will provide an introduction to the basic techniques of Visual Analytics: the science of analytical reasoning supported by highly interactive visual interfaces.  Human-centred analytical reasoning - the ways in which we derive discovery and meaning from observing complex collections of data - involves the formulation and validation of hypotheses; the discovery of trends and outliers; and the generation of new questions. Visualization and visual analytics exploit our most powerful capability: visual thinking.  We will study techniques and algorithms for creating effective data visualization based on principles from graphic design, visual art, perceptual psychology, and cognitive science. Topics include perception, Information Visualization, data-driven thinking and Information Analysis.

The goal of this class is to provide students with a basic grounding in techniques that can be used to design and implement visualization workspaces for complex information and the processes of visual analytics, as well as an introduction to theories that help inform the design of such systems. Students will use programming tools to develop interactive computer graphics and information visualizations, typically using javascript and visualization libraries such as d3 and gephi.  Example cases will be drawn from real-world examples and students are encouraged to engage with external problems and stakeholders for their final projects.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:


There are two required texts for the class, both available as ebooks in the library

We will also use the Tableau™ visualization package: you can install it on your laptops or home machines. You download it from the Tableau website for installation on your personal machine: instructions are on the Resources page. Tableau's data visualization software is provided through the Tableau for Students program.

Other resources will be posted on the Resources page as needed.

Submissions, announcements, and discussions will use the course Canvas page.


The professor reserves the right to modify any of these plans as needed during the course of the class.