

Wed 10:30-11:50 SUR 3250
Fri 10:30-11:50 SUR 3250
Open Lab
Wed 12:00-1:20 SUR 3250

Instructor: Lyn Bartram
SUR 2759 (office)
SUR 3760 (lab)

office (bad) 778 782 7439
lab (better) 778 782 8009
mobile (best) 604 908 9954

TA: Ankit Gupta

 TA: Abhisekh Patra































Final Project


This is a 2-person team Project: Designing and implementing a prototype of an interactive visualization for multidimensional data.  .

Remember, the point of the project is NOT to try to solve an analytics problem. Imagine yourselves as hired to help domain experts solve their problems with visualization. WHat kinds of support do you need to provide?

Here are some considerations to keep in mind.

  1. You will almost certainly not be able to present all the data with any complex data set, so you will need to decide the audience and the goals of your visualization.  Justify your design choices and identify who and what the visualization(s) is designed to serve. For example, if you were to choose a project considering whether Uber should come to Vancouver , are your users city planners? consumers? taxi cabs? economists? etc.
  2. You are not constrained to a single view; in fact, complex data will typically benefit from more than a single representation, but how you decide to manage the data views is dependent on your design. You might rely on a suite of interaction techniques (details on demand, anyone?) , or use linked views.

All of your assignments can build towards your final project.

Project proposal: in class Feb 28.

Your project proposal will consist of a one-page summary document and a 7-8 minute presentation of your proposaed project idea. The point is for us to give you feedback, suggest directions, and help you clarify your scope. Read the general requirements for the project here, and then tell us about the following:

Data: We have ensured that there are open data avaialble for the topics we suggested. You are encouraged to choose something of interest to you, so you may use other datat, but your project scopemust be sufficiently complex: that is, there must be dimensional complexity (too many dimensions to show in one simple view) and enough scale (size of data set). There are many data sets out there, come to me and Ankit if you want some pointers about where you might find some. Your project must draw data from more than one dataset.

One example of an open data set is the Vancouver Parking Ticket Data.  You can look at many governments, police and fires services, and international institutions such as the World Bank, UN or WHO for open data. Google is your friend here.

Project Reports

Each part of the project will include a deliverable report that details what the relevant parts of your code do, design choices you made and why (for visual mappings) and any problems you have had with the code. (This means we can evaluate your marks even if the code does not run. Be prepared for those horrible last minute bugs.)

Details required for each assignment-specific aprt of the report are laid out in the assignment.

The format of the reports for the individual parts is up to you, but it should be professionally prepared, expressive, grammatically sound, illustrative of your efforts and process, and easy to understand. A good design effort can easily be hampered by a poor communication of what was done.

Advice on how to make a good Visualization:   


Part 4 - Final Written Submission

Components of your Submission:

      Demo: make sure the code is runnable from somewhere or in some form, and either include a link to or a zip file of the running application.   Some points to remember about your vis:

   Code: Hand in the code you have developed by this point.

    Report: Write a report that describes the Visualization approach that you took, and briefly explains your code. You should  include a brief "user manual" section that explains how to use any interaction techniques. You should also include a report of a brief "feasiblity pilot" you run with one or two people who will use your prototype. In this initial pilot your users may identify issues with your design or suggest things that could have been useful. YOU ARE NOT EXPECTED TO IMPLEMENT THESE but you are expected to report them in your final document - see (4) below.

In your report, be sure to show screenshots that illustrates your work.  Here are the basic points you should cover:

  1. Give an overview of the visualization and what it is meant to serve.  Who is your audience?  What kinds of questions are you proposing the visualization will address?
  2. Describe your data set(s).   What are the data dimensions ? Make sure you identify the types, because you should justify your design decisions.
  3. Explain how to use the interactions.
  4. If there are things you wanted to get into the working demo but could not, add a section on unimplemented sections of the design. Be brief but include a visual.  This should also include parts of your vis that you wanted to get working or vis elements that do not render quite correctly - explain what you wanted to do, how what you did almost got there.

Your project will be graded on:
    Completeness of your interactive visualization
    Completeness of your report
    Quality of your writing

You can find recommendations on how to write a good report here.

Personal Contribution Writeup

In addition to the Final Demo, each team member must separately turn in one page describing that person's individual contribution. We are primarily interested in a detailed description of which parts of the code and design you were responsible for.
Submit the individual report on CAnvas separately from the final report.