The logo of my portfolio

Angus Wang's Portfolio


The homepage of WellHabits


Through a two people’s project about developing an application called WellHabits. WellHabits is an application that lets users set, and check the good living habits in their daily lives. As an application developer and user experience designer, I focus on programming and UX design to create a functional application for this project.

Skills Used in This Project

The icon of java.

Using Java coding in Android Studio to crate a functional application.

The icon of SQLite database.

Managing the users data through SQLIite Database.

The icon of figma

Using Figma to check the prototype for user experience.


How the image saved before solving the problems

Find the Issue

The biggest challenge is the image saving and viewing in this application. This application has the function of letting users use a camera to take pictures. Using a camera is not a problem, the challenge is how to save and view these images. The application lets users jump out of the app for image checking. This will break the users' experiences while using this app. It is important to let users check the image inside the app.

The image of arrow, used to connect the sections.

Solve the Issue

There are many ways to save and manage images. However, I decided to save the images into the SQLite database directly because it is easier to manage the image files directly and it is also a good way to divide the image files by the dates of shooting.

The image of showing how to create database for images.

Create the SQlite database for images saving first.

The images of how to create RecyclerView for showing images. The image of adapter used for images' RecyclerView.

Create the RecycleView and the Adapter for the images showing in application.

The image of showing how the camera works in this application.

Let users take images through camera and save the images to the database.

The image of how to retrieved the images from database and show them in application

Retrieved the images from database and showing them through RecyclerView in application.

The image of arrow, used to connect the sections.
The image shows how the images saved after solving the problems


After Coding for the image saving and retrieving, the application could let users view their images in the app directly.


Skill Reflection

Through this project. I learned some basic coding skills about how to create a mobile application. I also get skills in using SQLite databases about how to manage and edit the user's data. At last, this project also helped me improve my skills in using Figma to create a prototype for user experience checking.

The arrow image for reflection part, also used to connect two parts.

To the Future

In the future, I believe the skills I get in Java coding and database managing are important in the mobile application development area. I believe I could use the skills of saving and retrieving information from databases to create better and more user-friendly applications in the future.