Eunoia UX Design Jam

Project Insights

  • Developed visual design solutions through sketching on Procreate and Illustrator to brainstorm the art direction
  • Analyzed survey responses from 20 UX professionals to identify pain points and converge on the problem statement
  • Prototyped a solution on Figma, using client feedback to enhance user experience to retain user engagement

Project overview

As the UX Designer in a group of 4, I was tasked to curate the design elements for out client, UX Was Here, website. Our client is a social media platform for UX Enthusiats to engage with each other. We were tasked to find different ways to increase user engagement with the platform.

Project Design Framing

UX Was Here was struggling with getting people to post compelling content and promote app usage. Through our research, we framed our problem statement as:

How might we help assist UX professionals find value, in giving back to the community by providing insights, sharing resources and engaging in activities to foster learning?

Contribution to the Process

I was assigned to create a survey targeting UX professionals and their engagement with other social media platforms to gain their engagement patterns on other platforms

I examined the survey responses using affinity diagraming that helped me to create insight statements

From the insight statements, we could concluded that helping users to get inspired to write about something can help them engage with the platform more

Problems Overview

  • The main problem of our client was low user engagement. We proposed to create a “prompt-a-topic” feature that would provide the user with topics to write a post and share their insights about the topic
  • Other challenges that we faced was understanding user motivation from our secondary research. I created a survey targeting UX professionals to understand engagement patters with a platform
  • Out client also face problem with effective onboarding of new users. We suggested a walkthrough of the platform as user starts engaging with it.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding a real life client needs and goals to effectively conduct user research.
  • Learning how to effectively conduct primary and secondary research to frame a
  • problem. Work in an collaborative environment as the creative lead and undertaking assignments to carry project to completion.

More About The Solution

UX professionals who find value in giving back to the community can benefit from narrowed topic suggestions. This eliminates the tedious process of coming up with a post idea. Providing designers with the opportunity to pick between prompted discussion topics would serve as an incentive to contribute to a learning community where they might gain the satisfaction of contributing to the learning development of newer designers.