GOLF on the ROCKS: style sheet

Text Elements



minigolf & package RATES


Adults 19+

H1 tag HTML requirements:

The <h1> tag requires a <div class="h1-container"> element wrapped around it to align it to the end of the container.

Lettercase requirements

Capitalize the practical words that the page focuses on for headings one and two.


Looking to have a chill social night with your besties? GOLF on the ROCKS is the place to be on a weekend night. Mini golf and booze is the best combination to get you loosened up for the night before the club or a late-nite movie. Bring your friends, colleages, partner and get competitive or hilarious and have a grand ol' time!

Numbered Lists

  1. Arrive at our location.
  2. Sign in with the host.
  3. Grab your favourite club, ball, and drink tokens.
  4. Start the best mini golf of your life!

Interactive Elements

Text Input Field

Combined Elements


Home Page Content

Section Title

Content Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum eros, dictum aliquet orci in, malesuada maximus dolor. Aliquam mattis augue felis. Morbi metus orci, feugiat non viverra ac, tempor nec purus. Praesent vel arcu erat. Etiam at massa vulputate nisl accumsan venenatis. Integer dapibus purus non tristique malesuada. Cras fringilla aliquam purus, eu convallis lorem luctus eu. Phasellus id congue enim. Proin vulputate, nulla in iaculis molestie, justo justo dictum sapien, id pretium diam nisi in sapien. Proin congue, odio eu placerat facilisis, nisl elit efficitur nisl, sed sodales dolor diam eu dolor. Fusce elit arcu, volutpat bibendum consequat eu, gravida nec arcu. Nunc molestie orci id est congue feugiat eu sed leo. Suspendisse lobortis molestie viverra. Nam eu sem aliquam, efficitur sem cursus, cursus libero. Sed cursus mattis lobortis.

What's Included Grid Item

A round at our 16 hole mini golf course

What's Included

A round at our 16 hole mini golf course

A round at our 16 hole mini golf course

A round at our 16 hole mini golf course

A round at our 16 hole mini golf course

Mailing List Form

↓ Get some cool discounts here ↓

Turn on notifs to our blog (we post some *really cool* stuff) and we'll toss in some special deals just for you.

Group Member Info Form


Payment Information

Billing Information

Package Component

The bar crawl

Hop from bar-to-bar with your friends

$20 a person

learn more

The bar crawl:

Get ready to use our bathrooms frequently, as this bar crawl package includes the works. Gather your friends and have a wild ride with this one!

  • One drink at each of our themed bars (8 drink tokens)
  • VIP access to our main bar: The Birdie
  • A challenge card to have fun on the course
Select Package

Event Component

Halloween Party

It's a halloween party folks!

October 29 @ 7pm

Halloween Party

October 29 @ 7pm

It's a halloween party folks! Grab your Tiger Woods outfits and dress up for this night's fun stuff! We've got DJ Khalid on set hitting the ones and twos as well as winton making a special appearance on the dance floor.


Creative Direction

Business Summary

GOLF on the ROCKS aims to bring friends and groups closer together with themed minigolf, drinks, and amazing food! Make your way through a curated experience of different themed sections of the mini golf course, enjoying similarly themed beverages along the way.

It’s a place to break the ice with your new coworkers from that startup you work at; the appetizer to the club you’re going to with your besties tonight. Everyone can get behind minigolf, especially here at GOLF on the ROCKS. We’re glow-in-the-dark, kid-free, with snacks and drinks galore.

Creative Direction Summary

We want to bring late 80s-early 90s neon fun to the forefront of our design, with bright greens, pinks and blues. We want to use lines and space on top of those colours to elicit a coy chicness similar to the Rec Room or the Cactus Club.

We chose not to use “glow stick” designs and textures as it felt overused by typical glow-in-the-dark minigolf businesses. Instead, we play with texture in the design through different border widths, colour blocks, and thin and wide font choices, aiming to achieve a similar feeling.


The goal is to have lots of contrast through playing with condensed and expanded versions

  • Headings: Big Shoulders Display (tall & skinny, nice and squared off)
  • Important Content (pricing, form fields): Lexend Zetta (nice and wide, round)
  • Everything Else: Lexend [Regular] (typical sans-serrif that goes with other fonts)

Color Theme

colour palette


Glow in the dark circular mosaic art at an indoor mini golf course. Instructions to attend golfing at Par-Tee golf club Two people dressed up in glow-in-the-dark accessories Person DJing glow-in-the-dark



  • Idei. (Web Photo Gallery). (n.d.).Neon party uv [Image]. Retrieved from
  • klook. (Event Booking). (n.d.). Putt and Glow Indoor Mini Golf Experience in Queenstown [2 Images]. Retrieved from
  • Par-tee Putt Golf Club. (Golf Club). (n.d.).Par-tee Putt Ottawa [Image]. Retrieved from
  • Putting Edge. (Minigolf Business). (n.d.).Halifax - Putting Edge [Image]. Retrieved from
  • Putting Edge. (Minigolf Business). (n.d.).Vaughan - Putting Edge [Image]. Retrieved from


  • Flaticon. (Icon Marketplace). (n.d.).Mini golf free icon [Image]. Retrieved from
  • Flaticon. (Icon Marketplace). (n.d.).Toast free icon [Image]. Retrieved from
  • Flaticon. (Icon Marketplace). (n.d.).Scoreboard free icon [Image]. Retrieved from
  • Flaticon. (Icon Marketplace). (n.d.).Nachos free icon [Image]. Retrieved from
  • Flaticon. (Icon Marketplace). (n.d.).Cloth Hanger free icon [Image]. Retrieved from


  • Google Fonts. (Font Marketplace). (2021).Big Shoulders Display [Font]. Retrieved from
  • Google Fonts. (Font Marketplace). (2021).Lexend Regular [Font]. Retrieved from
  • Google Fonts. (Font Marketplace). (2020).Lexend Zetta [Font]. Retrieved from