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Hi, I'm Kushan Samarawickrema, a recent graduate from SFU's School of Interactive Arts and Technology, where I delved deep into the realms of UX Research and Design. My academic journey has been complemented by a UX Design certification from Brainstation, which led me to develop the CheckIt Grocery App - a project close to my heart, showcasing my dedication to enhancing everyday user experiences.

Professionally, I've had the opportunity to contribute as a Web Designer at Key West Travel and Tours and as a Digital Content Co-op at the Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association. These roles have honed my skills in creating engaging digital content and improving website functionality, directly impacting user engagement and satisfaction.

Beyond work, I'm actively involved in public speaking as the VP of Public Relations at the Richmond Toastmasters Club. My life in Vancouver is a blend of sports, enjoying soccer and basketball, and indulging in my love for classic films and history. I often find that my best creative insights come during my runs or bike rides around this vibrant city.