Rejoice Pet Salon

Pet Grooming With Love

Interactive Elements

In-text link

I want to make a website called Rejoice, about a pet salon. It mainly offers the customers about pet clear, nails and grooming. Here is the original website: Rejoice Pet Salon.

Navigation Link

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<a href="#" class="button">Default Button</a>

Rendered element:

Default Button

Text Input Field with Label


Image as a Link

A make up dog

Text Elements






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pellentesque tristique lectus, facilisis luctus turpis venenatis eu. Donec cursus in est et condimentum. Donec aliquet turpis sit amet libero iaculis tempor. Aenean ex metus, viverra in orci sit amet, tempor rhoncus dolor. Donec convallis blandit est quis dictum.

Numbered Lists

  1. Dog
  2. Cat

Combined Elements

Main Navigation

Product/Service Listing

Chicken Breast Jerky

Chicken Breast Jerky

$5.99 CAD

Home-made pet biscuits focus on natural ingredients, and the raw material is chicken and goat cheese. Cookies contain no flour, no grains, no additives, preservatives or attractants. Moreover, all colors are made from natural pigments, fruit and vegetable powders, which are safe, hygienic and healthy. We provide dogs with the best ingredients so they can enjoy the best meals.

Click here to learn more.

Purple Yam Cookies

Yam cookies

$6.99 CAD

Purple yam cookies are made from pure natural purple sweet potato without any additives, making them the safest and most secure snacks for pets.

Click here to learn more.

Colour Plattes



Potential imagery

art direction art direction art direction

Art Direction

My web page style will be mainly simple and fresh, focusing on the warm feeling this pet shop can provide customers.
