Granules name across 3 coffee beans

Company Style Guide

Interactive Elements

Paragraph with a Link

Granules is a build-your-own gourmet coffee kit service. Based on your favourite hot or cold coffee beverages we will provide all the tools you need to begin creating your own home-cafe. Starting with your choice of beans, powder, or pods to suit your coffee making needs, Granules offers all the syrups, drizzles, and flavourings needed to make your best cup. Our Coffee Kits can be customized from scratch, built from a template, or purchased from pre-made selections.



Text Input

Linked Image

two full coffee cups shown from above and surrounded by purple flowers

Text Styling

Four Levels of Heading

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4


This is a paragraph using Roboto. The size of this block of text will resemble the length of ones present on the company website. The text size is equal to 1rem, the basis from which all other text sizes are set in relation to.

Numbered List

  1. Item
  2. Item
  3. Item
  4. Item

Combined Elements

Main Navigation

Service Listing

  • Beans

    Dark Roast


    branded product mock up of brown coffee bean bag for dark roast coffee

    Medium Roast


    branded product mock up of brown coffee bean bag for medium roast coffee

    Blonde Roast


    branded product mock up of brown coffee bean bag for blonde roast coffee
  • Powder

    Dark Roast


    branded product mock up of brown coffee powder bag for dark roast coffee

    Medium Roast


    branded product mock up of brown coffee powder bag for medium roast coffee

    Blonde Roast


    branded product mock up of brown coffee powder bag for blonde roast coffee
  • Pods

    Dark Roast


    branded product mock up of coffee pod for dark roast coffee

    Medium Roast


    branded product mock up of coffee pod for medium roast coffee

    Blonde Roast


    branded product mock up of coffee pod for blonde roast coffee



Granules is a build-your-own gourmet coffee kit service. Based on your favourite hot or cold coffee beverages we will provide all the tools you need to begin creating your own home-cafe. Starting with your choice of beans, powder, or pods to suit your coffee making needs, Granules offers all the syrups, drizzles, and flavourings needed to make your best cup. Our Coffee Kits can be customized from scratch, built from a template, or purchased from pre-made selections.

Color Palette

Color Code | F1E2BF

pale yellow circle

Color Code | 966D50

light brown circle

Color Code | 21211F

dark black circle

Color Code | 7E3529

dark red circle

Color Code | AF3124

bright red circle


Caviar Dreams




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Thompson, L. (2009). Caviar Dreams [Typeface]. Retrieved from

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Xvect intern. (n.d.). [Photograph]. Retrieved from