picture of audrey

Audrey Ao

The Media Specialist to-be


Audrey is currently in her fourth year at Interactive Arts & Technology at Simon Fraser University and has worked for Newsbreak and Tesla. She pays more attention to all kinds of commercial videos than the TV show itself, and she also always hopes that she, too, can grab the audience's attention in the most effective way possible.

View project

Youtube ad: Better-than-coffee

 image of the video as youtube ad

I interned in the Content Creation Department at NewsBreak in 2021. According to the data analysis, the primary users of NewsBreak in 2020 were in the age group of 40+. To expand the young user group, I overturned the traditional way of advertising with popular news clips and created this nonsensical cartoon as a Youtube ad. It successfully increased the download rate of young users.

Project Analysis

Phase 1: Define the problem

NewsBreak used to use news clips like explosions, car accidents, etc., for ads to attract audiences. However, data shows that our downloads are high, but the percentage of users in their 20s is low. So I tried to change to a more popular style with young people.

Phase 2: Start the narrative

 screenshot of script

Inspired by the Japanese nonsensical short films, and I started working on a script for a News app.

Phase 3: Create Storyboard

 screenshot of storyboard

After I had the script I created 10 sub-shots in Adobe Illustrator and then animate them in After Effects.

Phase 4: Add Audio

 screenshot of voice generator

In the end I used ai voice generation tools to generate the audio, because this is more in line with the style of the video than a real person and is more budget-friendly.


Email Adress: audrey_ao@sfu.ca

Phone#: +1-226-977-9988

Address: 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, Canada