
Overpriced keycaps? Check. Will you still buy them? Check.

Sample Code:

<nav class = "enter class names"> <a href="#section id" class = "class name"</a>

Interactive Elements

In-text link

Choose from a variety of keycaps

Sample Code:

<a class="button-nav" href="">Choose from a variety of keycaps</a>

Navigation Link

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<a href="#" class="button">Default Button</a>

Rendered element:

Default Button

Text Input Field with Label

Sample Code:

<form method="post" action="#"> <label for="input-field"> What percentage of keyboard would you like?:> <Input id="input-field" type="text" placeholder="Input Percentage Here"> /form>

Image as a Link

Sample Code:

<a href = "website link"> <img src = "website link" alt = "Keyboards" height = "667" width = "1000></a>

Text Elements


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3
Heading 4

Sample Code:

<h3>Headings</h3> <h4>Heading 1</h4> <h4>Heading 2</h4> <h5>Heading 3</h5> <h6>Heading 4</h6>


Overglorified keycaps is our middle name. Seriously... no need to fact check that

Sample Code:

<h3>Paragraphs</h3> <p>Enter text</p>

Reasons for buying our keycaps instead of our 'competition'

  1. Cause we said so

Sample Code:

<ol> <li>Enter text</li><li>Enter text</li><li>Enter text</li><li>Enter text</li></ol>

Combined Elements

Main Navigation

About Us

We sell the best, highest quality keycaps. We are devoted to creating the best quality products at a not-so-reasonable price. Because we know you will still buy them. And we love you for it

Product/Service Listing

Custom Keycaps

choose from a variety of different designs at: 40%, 60%, 65%, 75%, or full-sized


Keycap tools

Make switching out your keycaps easier with the Corsair Keycap Mod Kit



Description of Service/Product + Color pallette + Font

Description of Service

Keyzon sells customized keycaps with a variety of different designs for users to pick.

Colour Pallette

Colour pallette
The colour pallette that I will be using throughout my website

Art Direction

EyebuyDirect image
Art direction for where I'll be taking my website
EyebuyDirect image
Art direction for where I'll be taking my website
EyebuyDirect image
Art direction for where I'll be taking my website


Kiona - The font for the brand logo

font for brand logo
The font that I will be using for my brand logo

GeoSans - The font for paragraphs

font for paragraphs
The font that I will be using for paragraphs or any text that is not a heading

Tommy - The font for the brand logo

font for headings
The font that I will be using for headings
