Community Grants

City of Burnaby

What is Community Grants?

Community grants are awarded to defray a portion of costs for established (operating for at least one year) registered/charitable or incorporated non-profit societies, which, in the judgment of Council, align with the City's strategic priorities and policies.

Grant applications will be considered twice per year in April and October. Funding will be budgeted annually as one lump sum each year and is available for operating grants, initiative grants and recreational sports grants.

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TYPE Grant
DEADLINE March 1 | Sept 1


Applications are open to un-registered grassroots groups (both new and established), non-profits, Indigenous groups, and other community groups. You have a 1) project plan for a mutual aid project focused on supporting your community in preparation for, during and/or after an extreme weather event, and/or 2) you have an idea for a grassroots action that aims to make clear the connections between intensifying extreme weather events, the climate crisis and our government's current failure to hold polluters accountable. Your application must be made two weeks before the beginning of your project (a few exceptions may apply).