Erin Morantz has 17 years' experience raising funds for not-for-profit organizations in Metro Vancouver and is currently the Director of Advancement for the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Simon Fraser University. Erin has spearheaded a number of major capital campaigns for social service and allied health organizations in British Columbia, helping those organizations grow their capacity to help some of the province’s most vulnerable people. She has served on numerous boards and committees including the Vancouver Foundation and the Association of Fundraising Professionals and was an instructor in the Fundraising Management program at BCIT. Erin is most passionate about projects and programs that focus on building community capacity, diversity and access to education.
Session 2C: Inspiring, Engaging, and Giving Back: How to get Involved in STEM Outreach
Time and Date: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM on Saturday, May 23
Session Type: Panel
Location: Blusson Hall, Room 10041
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
- Mahatma Ghandi
To inspire and engage the potential next generations of female scientists, computer scientists and engineers we need to take cool and exciting programs and activities out into the community. How can you get involved and give back to your community?
Moderator: Erin Morantz
Panelists: Dolf DeJong, Pauline Finn, Diane Kennedy, Fariba Pacheleh, Poh Tan

Dolf DeJong is the Vice President of Conservation and Education the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre (VAMSC). His team is responsible for the development and delivery of the Education and Public Programs, Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, Ocean Wise Sustainable Seafood initiative, Arctic connections program and the Aquarium’s digital content. The VAMSC is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of aquatic life. In his role, Dolf works across the organization and in the community to promote public engagement, strategic environmental communications and fundraising efforts. He moved to Vancouver in January 2012 after serving at the Royal Botanical Gardens (RBG) in Hamilton Ontario where he was the Director of Biodiversity Programs. The first decade of his career was spent in Provincial Parks and Conservation Areas as an educator and area manager where Dolf had significant experience working with students teaching critical thinking while helping them develop a connection with the natural world. Dolf holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) from Brock University, a Masters of Environmental Studies from Wilfrid Laurier University and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Toronto.

Pauline Finn has been working with learning-focused organizations since 1994. Prior to joining Science World, she managed school and public programs at the HR MacMillan Space Centre, the Richmond Nature Park and the North Vancouver Museum and Archives. She has led Outreach, Education, Exhibits, Customer Service and Community Engagement teams.
Pauline earned her BSc at UBC, and has a Diploma in Environmental Studies from Langara College and a high school science teaching certification from Simon Fraser University. Pauline was selected for the American Association of Museums’ International Partnerships Among Museums Exchange Program with Space Centre Houston and most recently was honoured to be chosen as a Fellow of the Noyce Leadership Institute. She is currently on the board of the BC Sports Hall of Fame and has participated in advisory committees for the BC Science Fair Foundation Board, Genome BC, NSERC Pacific and the BC Innovation Council.

Diane Kennedy translated her love of math and science into earning a BASc in Systems Design Engineering and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo. After a brief stint in industry, she turned to Ryerson University to pursue her passion for academia, and research interests in control systems. She and her husband made Vancouver their home in 2004.
Today, in conjunction with teaching in the BCIT Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology and Electrical Engineering degree programs, she plays a leadership role in teaching excellence and program development to produce practice-ready graduates. She encourages young women with an aptitude for math and science to consider engineering and technology as viable paths to rewarding careers.
Dr. Kennedy is the recipient of the 2014 BCIT Employee Excellence Award and the Team Leadership Award.

Fariba Pacheleh is a seasoned technology expert with more than 20 years experience in various facets of Information Systems and Projects. She holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, is PMP certified and has completed the MSAT (Management Skills in Advanced Technology) program at Simon Fraser University. She is currently completing her Executive education at UBC's Sauder School of Business and working as a Project Manager in the software industry.
Her technical expertise and management skills have made her successful in different IT roles during her career at Siemens, Pivotal CRM, CGA Canada and now at Finning International Inc. in her current role as Manager, Projects and New Technology. Fariba has been the President of the Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST) since 2013.

Poh Tan is the Founder and CEO of Innoguidance Consulting, a strategic life-science consulting firm and is the co-founder of Newton’s Geniuses, an enriched science learning center for young children. Dr. Tan earned her PhD from UBC in stem cell research and after graduation she worked at STEMCELL Tech. managing one of their flagship product lines. She was a TEDx speaker, a former Chair of the Training and Education Committee at the Canadian Stem Cell Network, and a Shad Valley International speaker. She mentors university students, including MBA students. Dr. Tan is also recognized as one of SFU’s top inspiring alumni.
In addition to a being a scientist, an entrepreneur, and an educator, she is also a proud mother of two inquisitive little boys. Dr. Tan is pursuing a second PhD in the Faculty of Education at SFU and through her research, she hopes to nurture scientific curiosity in children and help them build perseverance and resilience for success later in life.
Linkedin. News Article about Dr. Tan.