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  • Unconventional research tools to uncover unexpected solutions: The Faculty of Environment’s 2020 Dean’s Lecture Series


Unconventional research tools to uncover unexpected solutions: The Faculty of Environment’s 2020 Dean’s Lecture Series

February 06, 2020

What is the link between traditional song and dance, climate strategies, bail restrictions and democratic science? Researchers in SFU’s Faculty of Environment (FENV) integrate knowledge from diverse disciplines, cultures and practices to uncover solutions to some of our most pressing social and ecological issues.

Running from February 6 to March 12th, the Faculty of Environment's 2020 Dean’s Lecture Series: From Environmental Research to Public Solutions highlights faculty, alumni and community partners whose collaborations are motivating change at individual, organizational and political levels.

Award-winning professor Dana Lepofsky talks about the impact of an indigenous knowledge keeper who unleashed a wave of research about clam gardens. SFU Distinguished professor Mark Jaccard discusses his new book, The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success. Royal Society of Canada (RSC) fellow Nick Blomley reveals an unsuspected problem of the drug crisis while RSC college member Anne Salomon explains how western science and Indigenous knowledge can create ecologically safe and socially just fisheries.

“Environmental issues are among the most important and complex problems of our time,” says Naomi Krogman, dean of the Faculty of Environment. “The 2020 Dean’s Lecture series showcases research-informed solutions to real-world problems.”

The series takes place at SFU Harbour Centre (515 West Hastings) in room 1900. All talks are free and open to the public. Reservations are recommended.

Four talks, four solutions - a series you don’t want to miss.


The New Power Couple: Traditional ecological knowledge and western science unite to inform sustainable management of clams

Thursday, February 6, 2020, 7 p.m.

·      Dana Lepofsky, archaeologist, ethnobiologist and professor, Simon Fraser University

·      Q̌íx̌itasu Yímazalas Elroy White, Heiltsuk Nation and SFU alumnus

·      Oqwilowgwa Kim Recalma-Clutesi, Qualicum Nation

Climate Emergency: The Citizen's Guide to Climate Success

Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 7 p.m.

·      Mark Jaccard, professor, Simon Fraser University

·      Matt Horne, Climate Policy Manager, City of Vancouver

How red zones punish the poor, generate crime, and break the law

Thursday, February 20, 2020, 7 p.m.

·      Nicholas Blomley, professor, Simon Fraser University

·      Ann Livingston, community activist and co-founder, Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users

Navigating towards ecologically safe and socially just fisheries

Thursday March 12, 2020, 7 p.m.

·      Anne Salomon, coastal marine ecologist and professor, Simon Fraser University

·      Kii’iljuus Barbara J. Wilson, scholar, educator and elected representative, Council of the Haida Nation