Papers About Foundations of Statistics, and Course Content
- 1. Weldon, K.L. Statistics: A Conceptual Approach.. Prentice-Hall. New York. 1986
- 2. On Teaching the Non-Algebraic Aspects of Statistics ICOTS II, Univ. of Victoria, August 1986
- 3. Statistics: Mathematical Specialty or Separate Discipline? - Liaison 1: 34-35. 1986
- 4. Statistical Re-education of Industrial Scientists and Engineers - ASA, Proc Statist. Education, New Orleans, pp96-98. 1988
- 5. Weldon, K.L. and Buenaventura, M The Foundations of Applicable Statistics - Research Report 88-06, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Simon Fraser University - 1988
- 6.Weldon, K.L. and Tham, P.What is Basic Statistics? Lessons from a Canadian-Indonesian Project - Proceedings ICOTS III:2:95-99: - University of Otago, Dunedin - August, 1990
- 7. Weldon, K.L. and Potvin, D., Nonparametric recovery of duration distributions from cross-sectional sample surveys, Commun. Statist.-Theory Meth., 20(12), 1991,3943-3973.
- 8. Weldon, K.L. Pre-computer relics that survive only in Statistics texts. Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Computer Science and Statistics, The Interface. San Diego, April 1993, pp. 371-374.
- 9.Teaching mathematical modeling for the social sciences - Proceedings of SEACME 6 Conference (6th South East Asia Conference on Mathematical Statistics) - Institut Tecknologi Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia. June 1993
- 10.Modern Statistics: Theory, Practice and the Impact of Computers - University of Vera Cruz, Jalapa, Mexico. May, 1994
- 11. On Teaching the Big Ideas of Statistics: a project-based approach. Abstract. Proceedings of ICOTS4, Marrakesh, Morocco, July 1994.
- 12. Applications of Probability in the Real World - Lotteries, Insurance, Stock Markets, Sports, and Grades. Presentation to Langley District Professional Day, February 17, 1995. Unpublished manuscript.
- 13. The Role of Probability Modeling in Statistical Inference. Proceedings of the South East Asian Mathematics Society Conference: Mathematical Analysis and Statistics. Yogyakarta. Indonesia. July 1995.
- 14.Some Embarrassing Questions for Teachers and Students of Statistics. Prepared for Presentation at ISI Conference, Beijing, August, 1995. Unpublished manuscript.
- 15. On Learning to Use Statistical Theory. New Zealand Statistician 31:2:20-31. 1996.
- 16. Maclean, L.C. and Weldon, K.L. Estimating Multivariate Random Effects Without Replication. Communications in Statistics A: 25(7):1447-1469. 1996
- 17. Maclean L.C. and Weldon, K.L. System Degeneration and Repair - Relating Model Parameters to Observables. Prepared for Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Fredericton, June 1997. Unpublished manuscript.
- 18.The Emergence of Statistics without Probability, and of Probability without Statistics. Talk handout for presentation at SFU Seminar, June 19, 1997.
- 19. (with Griffiths, D. and Stirling, D) (1998) Understanding Data: principles and practice of statistics. Wiley. Brisbane.
- 20. Simulation Models, Graphical Outputs, and Statistical Discovery. June 23, 1998. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Singapore.
- 21. Experience with an online introductory statistics course. Proceedings of the 52nd ISI biennial conference, Helsinki. 1999.
- 22. Seven Trimesters of an Online Introductory Statistics Course. Journal of Distance Education. 2000.
- 23. A Simplified Introduction to Correlation and Regression. Journal of Statistical Education, v8,n3, 2000.
- 24. Less parametric Statistical Methods. Submitted to The American Statistician, June, 2001
- 25. Informal Probability in the First Service Course. Submitted to the Journal of Statistical Education, June 2001.
- 26. Directions for the Evolution of Statistics. Poster Session. Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meeting. Simon Fraser University. June 2001.
- 27. Statistical Education with Official Statistics on the Internet. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 53rd Session Proceedings, Soeul, August, 2001.
- 28. Advanced Topics for an Introductory Service Course in Statistics. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Cape Town, July 2002.
- 29. Standard Deviation and Portfolio Risk - Jargon and Practice. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Cape Town, July 2002.
- 30. Replacing the Statistics Text with Reader Excerpts and Timely Internet Notes. Proceedings of the IASE Satellite Conference to 44rth ISI Conference. Berlin. August 2003.
- 31. The Role of Weighted Averages in Statistics Education. Proceedings of the 44rth Meeting of the International Statistical Institute. Berlin. August 2003.
- 32. Some under-used, but simple and useful, data analysis techniques. Biometrics Institute, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia,September 2004.
- 33. A case-oriented introduction to the statistics discipline. Departmental Seminar at Orebro University, Orebro, Sweden, September 2004
- 34. Less Parametric Methods in Statistics. Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Statistical Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September, 2004.
- 35. From Data to Graphs to Words - but Where are the Models? Proceedings of the ISI/IASE Satellite Conference in Sydney, Australia, April 2005.
- 36. Modern introductory statistics using simulation and data analysis. Proceedings of the 45th Biennial Meeting of the International Statistical Institute, Sydney, Australia, April 2005.
- 37. Less Parametric Methods in Statistics. Metodolski Zvezki, vol 2, July, 2005
- 38. Some controversies of statistics education and practice. Student Seminar, SFU, March, 2006.
- 38. Some controversies of statistics education and practice.(Power Point)Presentation to SFU Student Seminar, SFU, March, 2006.
- 39. Risk management for DC pension plans Proceedings of Stochastic Modelling Symposium, Toronto, April 2006.
- 40. R for elementary stats, Presentation to the BCCUPMS, Victoria, May, 2006
- 41. Data analysis and the shackles of statistical tradition. (Power Point), Presentation to UBC Student Seminar, May, 2006.
- 42. Sports team quality as a context for understanding variabilityProceedings ICOTS7, Salvador, Brazil, July 2006.
- 43. Integrating Data Analysis with Parametric Inference in Undergraduate StatisticsPresentation in Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City, July, 2007
- 43. Integrating Data Analysis with Parametric Inference in Undergraduate Statistics.(Power Point)Presentation to Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City, July 2007.
- 44. User Friendly Jargon for Statistics.Luncheon Handout at Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City, July 2007.
- 45. Assessment of a writing course in statistics Proceedings of ISI/IASE Satellite Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, August, 2007.
- 45. Assessment of a writing course in statistics(Power Point) Proceedings of ISI/IASE Satellite Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, August, 2007.
- 46. Discussion for IPM45: Studying Variability through sports phenomena Proceedings of 56th Session of ISI, Lisbon, Portugal, August, 2007.
- 46. Discussion for IPM45: Studying Variability through sports phenomena(Power Point) Proceedings of 56th Session of ISI, Lisbon, Portugal, August, 2007.
- 47. Everyday Benefits of Understanding Variability Applied Statistics 2007 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September, 2007.
- 47. Everyday Benefits of Understanding Variability(Power Point) Applied Statistics 2007 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September, 2007.
- 48. Exploring Randomness - Delusions and Opportunities(Power Point) Presentation to SFU Grad Course LS 812, Nov 3, 2007.
- 48. Notes to accompany Power Point "Exploring Randomness - Delusions and Opportunities" SFU Grad Course LS 812, Nov 3, 2007.
- 49. Experience Early, Logic Later OZCOTS-2008 Conference in Melbourne, July 3-4, 2008
- 49. Experience Early, Logic Later (Power Point) OZCOTS-2008 Conference in Melbourne, July 3-4, 2008
- 50. How Can IASE have an Impact on Statistics Education in Schools? JSM-2008 Conference in Denver, August, 2008
- 50. How Can IASE have an Impact on Statistics Education in Schools?(Power Point) JSM-2008 Conference in Denver, August, 2008
- 51. Exploring Randomness - Delusions and Opportunities Talk notes for SFURA talk, Nov 18, 2008
- 51. Exploring Randomness - Delusions and Opportunities(Power Point) SFURA talk, Nov 18, 2008
- 52. Some Simple, Useful, but Seldom Taught, Statistical Techniques(Power Point) Seminar, University of Manitoba, Nov 27, 2008
- 53. Some Uses of the Freeware, R, for Studying Financial Phenomena Seminar, Dalhousie University, Feb 20, 2009
- 53. Some Uses of the Freeware, R, for Studying Financial Phenomena(Power Point) Seminar, Dalhousie University, Feb 20, 2009
- 54. Authentic Content in Statistics Courses: Adapting Content to Modern Practice(Power Point) Workshop, Canadian Mathematics Education Forum, Vancouver, May 1, 2009
- 55. Authentic Content in Statistics Courses: Adapting Content to Modern Practice(Power Point) Annual Conference of the Statistical Society of Canada, UBC, June 2, 2009
- 55. Addendum to 55.SSC2009.ppt(Power Point)
- 56. Experiential Learning in Statistics: Expanding its RoleDepartmental Seminar, Statistics Department, University of Toronto, October 29, 2009
- 57. Experiential Learning in Statistics: Expanding its Role (Power Point)Departmental Seminar, Statistics Department, University of Toronto, October 29, 2009.
- 58. Surprising Consequences of Randomness LS 829 Presentation, Simon Fraser University, February 6, 2010
- 58. Surprising Consequences of Randomness (Power Point) LS 829 Presentation, Simon Fraser University, February 6, 2010
- 59. Strategies for Teaching an Enduring Knowledge of Statistics Annual Conference of the Statistical Society of Canada, Quebec City, May 24, 2010
- 59. Strategies for Teaching an Enduring Knowledge of Statistics(Power Point) Annual Conference of the Statistical Society of Canada, Quebec City, May 24, 2010
- 60. Banishing the Theory-Applications Dichotomy from Statistics Education International Conference on Teaching Statistics 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 11-16, 2010
- 60. Banishing the Theory-Applications Dichotomy from Statistics Education (Power Point) International Conference on Teaching Statistics 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 11-16, 2010
- 61. The Magic of Randomness: How to explain statistics to your uneducated friends (Power Point) SFU/UBC Graduate Student Workshop in Statistics, UBC at Robson Square, Vancouver, BC, February 26, 2011
- 62. Teaching Statistics Concepts Through Stock Market Contexts International Conference on Teaching Statistics 9, Flagstaff, Arizona, July 13-18, 2014
- 62. Teaching Statistics Concepts Through Stock Market Contexts International Conference on Teaching Statistics 9, Flagstaff, Arizona, July 13-18, 2014 (Power Point)
- 63. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples UBC-Okanagan Seminar, Kelowna,B.C., Feb. 6, 2017
- 63. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples UBC-Okanagan Seminar, Kelowna,B.C., Feb. 6, 2017 (Power Point)
- 64. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples Statistics Seminar University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford,B.C., Mar. 10, 2017
- 64. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples Statistics Seminar University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford,B.C., Mar. 10, 2017 (Power Point)
- 65. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples Statistics Seminar University of Victoria, Victoria,B.C., Mar. 30, 2017
- 65. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples Statistics Seminar University of Victoria, Victoria,B.C., Mar. 30, 2017 (Power Point)
- 66. Teaching the Big Ideas of Statistics Presentation at SSC2022 Virtual Conference of SSC, May 30, 2022
- 66. Teaching the Big Ideas of Statistics Presentation at SSC2022 Virtual Conference of SSC, May 30, 2022 (Presentation Slides)