Rube Goldberg Machines

A) Objective: To build a complex machine that will complete a simple task using as many steps as possible. Students are given an hour daily thoughout the week to complete the machine.

B) Time: Total of 5 hours, one hour per day for a week.

C) Materials:

D) Theory:
Rube Goldberg machines are devices that are designed to perform a specific task in numerous insignificant, yet complicated, steps. The combined efforts of each step ultimately leads to the execution of a simple task. In the 1940s, newpaper sketches drawn by man named Rube Goldberg depicted crazy inventions designed to do anything from fanning your soup to feeding the dog. Rube's crazy inventions are still being created today by many whose imaginations and creativity have been captured by the conceptsof th rowing junk together to create a machine.
At Science ALiVE!, the 1996 students were required to ring a bell, set off a baking soda and vinegar volcano(one of which could be placed into a paper mache volcano,) employ at least one lever or pulley, and use at least two marbles for separate tasks.
Goldbergs are a lot of fun and excitement for all ages. You can vary the difficulty for the ages depending on the task chosen to be completed and any other stipulations you choose to add to the task(e.g. limit tape, include a pulley. complete an electric circuit.) The following are some possible tasks that children could try.
Kaboom!!! ...Pop a balloon using marbles, dominoes, and limited tape.
Yawn ...It's midnight and you are too lazy to get up and turn off the lights. Create a machine to do it for you.
Lazy Mailperson ...Create a machine to open your mail for you.
Hungry? ...Create a machine to put together a ham and cheese sandwich for you.
The Sky's the Limit ...You can build a mochine for most any thing!!!

E) Procedure:

F) Helpful Hints:

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