Displayed Output
Unless the SHORT option is specified, the ACECLUS
procedure displays the following items:
- Means and Standard Deviations of the input variables
- the S matrix, labeled COV: Total Sample Covariances
- the name or value of the matrix used for the Initial
Within-Cluster Covariance Estimate
- the Threshold value if the PROPORTION= option is specified
For each iteration, PROC ACECLUS displays
- the Iteration number
- RMS Distance, the root mean square distance between
all pairs of observations
- the Distance Cutoff (u) for including pairs of
observations in the estimate of the within-cluster
covariances, which equals the RMS distance times the
- the number of Pairs Within Cutoff
- the Convergence Measure (ei) as specified by the
METRIC= option
If the SHORT option is not specified, PROC ACECLUS also displays
the A matrix, labeled ACE: Approximate Covariance
Estimate Within Clusters.
The ACECLUS procedure displays a table of eigenvalues from the
canonical analysis containing the following items:
- Eigenvalues of Inv(ACE)*(COV-ACE)
- the Difference between successive eigenvalues
- the Proportion of variance explained by each eigenvalue
- the Cumulative proportion of variance explained
If the SHORT option is not specified, PROC ACECLUS displays
- the Eigenvectors or raw canonical coefficients
- the standardized eigenvectors or standard canonical coefficients
Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.