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Chapter Contents
The Four Types of Estimable Functions

Type I SS and Estimable Functions

The Type I SS and the associated hypotheses they test are by-products of the modified sweep operator used to compute a generalized inverse of X'X and a solution to the normal equations. For the model E(Y) = X1 ×B1+X2 ×B2+X3 ×B3, the Type I SS for each effect correspond to

Effect   Type I SS
B1 R(B1)
B2 R(B2|B1)
B3 R(B3|B1, B2)

The Type I SS are model-order dependent; each effect is adjusted only for the preceding effects in the model.

There are numerous ways to obtain a Type I hypothesis matrix L for each effect. One way is to form the X'X matrix and then reduce X'X to an upper triangular matrix by row operations, skipping over any rows with a zero diagonal. The nonzero rows of the resulting matrix associated with X1 provide an L such that

{SS}(H_0\colon  L {\beta}= 0) = R(B1)
The nonzero rows of the resulting matrix associated with X2 provide an L such that
{SS}(H_0\colon  L {\beta}= 0) = R(B1| B2)
The last set of nonzero rows (associated with X3) provide an L such that
{SS}(H_0\colon  L {\beta}= 0) = R(B3| B1, B2)
Another more formalized representation of Type I generating sets for B1, B2, and B3, respectively, is
G_1 & = & ( & X_1'X_1 & | & X_1'X_2 & | & X_1'X_3 & ) \ 
G_2 & = & ( & 0 & | & X...
 ...X}_2 & | & X_2'M_2{X}_3 & ) \ 
G_3 & = & ( & 0 & | & 0 & | & X_3'M_3{X}_3 & ) \
M_1 & = & I - X_1(X_1'X_1)^-X_1'
M_2 & = & M_1 - M_1{X}_2(X_2'M_1{X}_2)^-X_2'M_1

Using the Type I generating set G2 (for example), if an L is formed from linear combinations of the rows of G2 such that L is of full row rank and of the same row rank as G2, then SS(H_0:  L {\beta}=0)=R(B2| B1).

In the GLM procedure, the Type I estimable functions displayed symbolically when the E1 option is requested are

G_1^* & = & (X_1' X_1)^-G_1 \ 
G_2^* & = & (X_2'M_1{X}_2)^-G_2 \ 
G_3^* & = & (X_3'M_2{X}_3)^-G_3

As can be seen from the nature of the generating sets G1, G2, and G3, only the Type I estimable functions for B3 are guaranteed not to involve the B1 and B2 parameters. The Type I hypothesis for B2 can (and usually does) involve B3 parameters. The Type I hypothesis for B1 usually involves B2 and B3 parameters.

There are, however, a number of models for which the Type I hypotheses are considered appropriate. These are

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