Chapter Contents
Chapter Contents
The Four Types of Estimable Functions


For linear models such as

Y = X {\beta}+ {\epsilon}
with E(Y)={X \beta}, a primary analytical goal is to estimate or test for the significance of certain linear combinations of the elements of {{\beta}}.This is accomplished by computing linear combinations of the observed Ys. An unbiased linear estimate of a specific linear function of the individual \betas, say L {\beta}, is a linear combination of the Ys that has an expected value of L {\beta}. Hence, the following definition:
A linear combination of the parameters L {\beta} is estimable if and only if a linear combination of the Ys exists that has expected value L {\beta}.
Any linear combination of the Ys, for instance KY, will have expectation E({KY})={KX} {\beta}.Thus, the expected value of any linear combination of the Ys is equal to that same linear combination of the rows of X multiplied by {{\beta}}. Therefore,
L {\beta} is estimable if and only if there is a linear combination of the rows of X that is equal to L -that is, if and only if there is a K such that L = KX.
Thus, the rows of X form a generating set from which any estimable L can be constructed. Since the row space of X is the same as the row space of X'X, the rows of X'X also form a generating set from which all estimable Ls can be constructed. Similarly, the rows of (X'X)-X'X also form a generating set for L.

Therefore, if L can be written as a linear combination of the rows of X, X'X, or (X'X)-X'X, then L {\beta} is estimable.

Once an estimable L has been formed, L {\beta} can be estimated by computing Lb, where b = (X'X)-X'Y. From the general theory of linear models, the unbiased estimator Lb is, in fact, the best linear unbiased estimator of L {\beta}in the sense of having minimum variance as well as maximum likelihood when the residuals are normal. To test the hypothesis that L {\beta}=0, compute SS (H_0\colon  L {\beta}=0)=({Lb})^'(L
({X^'X})^{-}L^')^{-1}{Lb} and form an F test using the appropriate error term.

General Form of an Estimable Function

Introduction to Reduction Notation


Using Symbolic Notation

Chapter Contents
Chapter Contents

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