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SAS Component Language: Reference

New Data Types

SCL provides the new data types NUM, CHAR, and LIST, as well as new object types. NUM and CHAR are new as named data types, although these data types have been available in previous versions as unnamed data types (for example, $). LIST and object types store identifiers for SCL lists and components, respectively. The object types can be specific (CLASS or INTERFACE) or generic (OBJECT).

[IMAGE] Version 8 introduces another specific object type, CLASSPKG.

You declare a variable to have a specific object type by specifying a class name or interface name as the variable type. For example:

dcl sashelp.fsp.object.class object1;
If the object type of the variable cannot be determined at compile time, you can declare a variable to have a generic object type by using the named type OBJECT. For example:
dcl object object2;

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