Chapter Contents


SAS SQL Query Window User's Guide

Building and Adding Tables

Using the query from the last example, you can build a new table from the results of your latest query.

Creating a Table from Query Results

In the SQL QUERY COLUMNS window, select


to return to the SQL QUERY TABLES window.

From the SQL QUERY TABLES window, select

Create Table From Query Results...


Select the [] next to the Library: field to display a list of available libraries.


You can also enter the library name in the Library: field.

Select SAMPLE to include your new table in the SAMPLE library. Select OK. Type WAGE in the Table: field. Type Hourly Wages in the Label: field to specify the permanent label to be used when displaying that column in a table.

Select OK to return to the SQL QUERY TABLES window. SAMPLE.WAGE is now in the list of Available Tables.


Adding the New Table to Selected Tables

Select SAMPLE.WAGE and [] to add the new table to the list of Selected Tables.



to reset your query and return to the SQL QUERY TABLES window.

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