Chapter Contents
Chapter Contents
Using This Book

Conventions for Examples

Most of the output shown in this book is produced with the following SAS System options:

   options linesize=80 pagesize=76 nonumber nodate;

The template STATDOC.TPL is used to create the HTML output that appears in the online (CD) version. A style template controls stylistic HTML elements such as colors, fonts, and presentation attributes. The style template is specified in the ODS HTML statement as follows:

  ODS HTML style=statdoc;

If you run the examples, you may get slightly different output. This is a function of the SAS System options used and the precision used by your computer for floating-point calculations.

The following GOPTIONS statement is used to create the online (color) version of the graphic output.

   filename GSASFILE '<file-specification>';

   goptions gsfname=GSASFILE   gsfmode =replace
            transparency       dev     = gif 
            ftext   = swiss    lfactor = 1 
            htext   = 4.0pct   htitle  = 4.5pct 
            hsize   = 5.625in  vsize   = 3.5in 
            noborder           cback   = white 
            horigin = 0in      vorigin = 0in ;

The following GOPTIONS statement is used to create the black and white version of the graphic output, which appears in the printed version of the manual.

   filename GSASFILE '<file-specification>';

   goptions gsfname=GSASFILE   gsfmode =replace
            gaccess = sasgaedt fileonly           
            transparency       dev     = pslepsf
            ftext   = swiss    lfactor = 1 
            htext   = 3.0pct   htitle  = 3.5pct 
            hsize   = 5.625in  vsize   = 3.5in 
            border             cback   = white 
            horigin = 0in      vorigin = 0in ;

Colors specified in example statements were remapped to a grey scale in the output.

Chapter Contents
Chapter Contents

Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.