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SAS Procedures Guide

Using an OS/390 PDSE for ASCII HTML Output

/* Allocate a PDSE for the HTML Output. */
filename pdsehtml '.example.htm' 
                  dsntype=library dsorg=po
                  disp=(new, catlg, delete);

/* Specify the files to create for the HTML output. */
/* These files are PDSE members.                    */
/* The URL= suboption in the HTML-file              */
/* specifications provides a URL that will be valid */
/* after the PDSE members have been moved to an     */
/* ASCII file system. When the files are            */
/* transferred, they must retain their member names */
/* and have the ".htm" extension added in order for */
/* these URLs to be correct.                        */
/* The PATH= option specifies the location for all  */
/* the HTML files. The URL= suboption in the PATH=  */
/* option prevents information from PATH= from      */
/* appearing in the links and references that ODS   */
/* creates because it will not be a valid URL for   */
/* the ASCII file system.                           */
/* The TRANTAB= option creates ASCII HTML that      */
/* you can send to an ASCII-based web server.       */

ods html body='odsexb' (url='odsexb.htm')
         contents='odsexc' (url='odsexc.htm')
         page='odsexp' (url='odsexp.htm')

Note:   Use a binary transfer to move the files to the Web server.  [cautionend]

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