Taste Score for Cake Flavors and Participant's Age              1

                              The MEANS Procedure

                        Analysis Variable : TasteScore 
                Flavor           N       Min       Max    Median
                Chocolate        9     72.00     92.00     83.00

                Vanilla          6     73.00     94.00     82.00

                Other Flavor     4     72.00     91.00     82.00

                        Analysis Variable : TasteScore 
     Flavor          Age                   N       Min       Max    Median
     Chocolate       15 to 19              1     79.00     79.00     79.00

                     20 to 25              1     84.00     84.00     84.00

                     25 to 39              4     75.00     85.00     81.00

                     40 to 55              2     72.00     92.00     82.00

                     56 and above          1     84.00     84.00     84.00

                     below 30 years        5     75.00     85.00     79.00

                     between 30 and 50     2     83.00     92.00     87.50

                     over 50 years         2     72.00     84.00     78.00

     Vanilla         25 to 39              2     73.00     80.00     76.50

                     40 to 55              1     75.00     75.00     75.00

                     56 and above          3     84.00     94.00     87.00

                     below 30 years        1     80.00     80.00     80.00

                     between 30 and 50     2     73.00     75.00     74.00

                     over 50 years         3     84.00     94.00     87.00

     Other Flavor    25 to 39              3     72.00     83.00     81.00

                     40 to 55              1     91.00     91.00     91.00

                     below 30 years        1     81.00     81.00     81.00

                     between 30 and 50     2     72.00     83.00     77.50

                     over 50 years         1     91.00     91.00     91.00