A Plot of Population Density and Crime Rates                                     1

                              Plot of Density*CrimeRate$State.  Symbol is value of State.

       Density |                                                                                                |
           500 +                                                                                                +
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                               M Maryland                                       |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                        D Delaware                                              |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                 P Pennsylvania    O Ohio                                                       |
           250 +                                                                                                +
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                              I Illinois                                        |
               |                                                                                       F Florida|
               |                                                                                                |
               |                              North Carolina                 C California                       |
               |                                TennNssee       Georgia                                         |
               |                    N New Hampshire  T     S South Garolina                                     |
               |    W West Virginia               A Alabama                                                     |
               |         Mississippi M  Vermont V    M Missouri         Washington W        T Texas             |
               |                          MinneAoArkMnsas             O Oklahoma                                |
               |        North Dakota          I Idaho                              O Oregon                     |
             0 +           S Nouth Dakota                                  N Nevada                             +
                2000         3000         4000         5000         6000         7000         8000         9000


NOTE: 7 label characters hidden.
                                      A Plot of Population Density and Crime Rates                                     2

                               List of Point Locations, Penalties, and Placement States
                               Vertical   Horizontal             Starting           Vertical   Horizontal
              Label                Axis         Axis   Penalty   Position   Lines      Shift        Shift

              Tennessee          111.60       4665.6         2   Center         1          1           -1
              South Carolina     103.40       5161.9         2   Right          1          0            2
              Arkansas            43.90       4245.2         6   Right          1          0            2
              Minnesota           51.20       4615.8         7   Left           1          0           -2
              South Dakota         9.10       2678.0        11   Right          1          0            2