Plot of Dropout Rate and Expenditure Per Pupil                1

---------------------------------- Region=MW -----------------------------------

             Plot of Expenditures*DropoutRate.  Symbol used is '*'.

    Expenditures |                                                  |
            5500 +                                                  |
                 |                                                  |
                 |                                                  |
                 |                                                  |
                 |                                                  | *
            5000 +                                                  |
                 |                                *                 |
                 |      *                                           |
                 |                                                  |
                 |                                       *          |
            4500 +                                                  |
                 |            *          *                          |
                 |           **                                *    |
                 |                                                  |
                 |                                                  |
            4000 +       *                                          |
                 |                                                  |
                 |                                                  |
                 |                                                  |
                 |                                                  |
            3500 +                                                  |
                 |                                                  |
                   10           15           20           25           30

                                  Dropout Percentage - 1989
                 Plot of Dropout Rate and Expenditure Per Pupil                2

---------------------------------- Region=NE -----------------------------------

             Plot of Expenditures*DropoutRate.  Symbol used is '*'.

    Expenditures |                                     |
            8000 +                                     |
                 |                                     |
                 |                *                    |
                 |                                     |
                 |                                     |
            7000 +                                     |
                 |       *                             |
                 |                                     |
                 |                                     |
                 |                                     |
            6000 +                                    *|
                 |                               *     |
                 |                                     |
                 |                                     *
                 |                                     |
            5000 +                                     |
                 |                      *       *      |
                 |                                     |
                 |                                     |
                 |                                     |
            4000 +                                     |
                 |                                     |
                   15           20           25           30           35

                                  Dropout Percentage - 1989

NOTE: 1 obs had missing values.