The data set EMPDATA contains personal and job-related information about
a company's employees. A DATA step creates this data set.
data empdata;
input IdNumber $ 1-4 LastName $ 9-19 FirstName $ 20-29
City $ 30-42 State $ 43-44 /
Gender $ 1 JobCode $ 9-11 Salary 20-29 @30 Birth date7.
@43 Hired date7. HomePhone $ 54-65;
format birth hired date7.;
1919 Adams Gerald Stamford CT
M TA2 34376 15SEP48 07JUN75 203/781-1255
1653 Alexander Susan Bridgeport CT
F ME2 35108 18OCT52 12AUG78 203/675-7715
. . . more lines
of data . . .
1407 Grant Daniel Mt. Vernon NY
M PT1 68096 26MAR57 21MAR78 914/468-1616
1114 Green Janice New York NY
F TA2 32928 21SEP57 30JUN75 212/588-1092