The TEXT statement specifies text for the dialog box that appears on
line 8 (#8) and begins in column 1 (@1). The RADIOBOX statement specifies
that a radio box will appear in the dialog box. DEFAULT= specifies that the
first radio button (
Pollutant A
) will be selected by default. The RBUTTON
statements specify the mutually exclusive choices for the radio buttons:
Pollutant B
. SUBSTITUTE= gives the value that is substituted for the
%2 in the preceding DIALOG statement if that radio button is selected.
text #8 @1 'Choose a contaminant:';
radiobox default=1;
rbutton #10 @5 'Pollutant A' substitute='pol_a,2';
rbutton #11 @5 'Pollutant B' substitute='pol_b,4';