The SAS System

                               COMPARE Procedure                                
                   Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                   
                               Data Set Summary                                 
 Dataset               Created          Modified  NVar    NObs  Label           
 PROCLIB.ONE  13MAY98:15:01:42  13MAY98:15:01:42     5       4  First Data Set  
 PROCLIB.TWO  13MAY98:15:01:44  13MAY98:15:01:44     6       5  Second Data Set 
                               Variables Summary                                
               Number of Variables in Common: 5.                                
               Number of Variables in PROCLIB.TWO but not in PROCLIB.ONE: 1.    
               Number of Variables with Conflicting Types: 1.                   
               Number of Variables with Differing Attributes: 3.                

               Listing of Common Variables with Conflicting Types               
                      Variable  Dataset      Type  Length                       
                      student   PROCLIB.ONE  Num        8                       
                                PROCLIB.TWO  Char       8                       
             Listing of Common Variables with Differing Attributes              
           Variable  Dataset      Type  Length  Format  Label                   
           year      PROCLIB.ONE  Char       8          Year of Birth           
                     PROCLIB.TWO  Char       8                                  
           state     PROCLIB.ONE  Char       8                                  
                     PROCLIB.TWO  Char       8          Home State              

                               COMPARE Procedure                                
                   Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                   
             Listing of Common Variables with Differing Attributes              
           Variable  Dataset      Type  Length  Format  Label                   
           gr1       PROCLIB.ONE  Num        8  4.1                             
                     PROCLIB.TWO  Num        8  5.2                             

                              Observation Summary                               
                         Observation      Base  Compare                         
                         First Obs           1        1                         
                         First Unequal       1        1                         
                         Last  Unequal       4        4                         
                         Last  Match         4        4                         
                         Last  Obs           .        5                         
        Number of Observations in Common: 4.                                    
        Number of Observations in PROCLIB.TWO but not in PROCLIB.ONE: 1.        
        Total Number of Observations Read from PROCLIB.ONE: 4.                  
        Total Number of Observations Read from PROCLIB.TWO: 5.                  
        Number of Observations with Some Compared Variables Unequal: 4.         
        Number of Observations with All Compared Variables Equal: 0.            

                               COMPARE Procedure                                
                   Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO                   
                           Values Comparison Summary                            
        Number of Variables Compared with All Observations Equal: 1.            
        Number of Variables Compared with Some Observations Unequal: 3.         
        Total Number of Values which Compare Unequal: 6.                        
        Maximum Difference: 20.                                                 
                         Variables with Unequal Values                          
              Variable  Type  Len   Compare Label  Ndif   MaxDif                
              state     CHAR    8   Home State        2                         
              gr1       NUM     8                     2    1.000                
              gr2       NUM     8                     2   20.000