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The ODS HTML statement, which generates the HTML files, can create
For example, the first ODS HTML statement in the following SAS program generates four HTML files. ODS routes the results of the PROC UNIVARIATE step to the body file as well as to the Listing destination. ODS also creates the associated contents, page, and frame files. The second ODS HTML statement closes the HTML destination. You must close the HTML destination before you can browse the HTML files.
Note: This example uses file names that may not be valid
in all operating environments. To successfully run the example in your operating
environment, you may need to change the file specifications. See Alternative ODS HTML Statements for Running Examples in Different Operating Environments.
/* Create HTML files. */ ods html file='odshtml-body.htm' contents='odshtml-contents.htm' page='odshtml-page.htm' frame='odshtml-frame.htm';
proc univariate data=statepop mu0=3.5; var citypop_90 noncitypop_90; title; run;
/* Close the HTML destination. */ ods html close;
Frame File Created by the ODS HTML Statement.
Select an entry in the table of contents to see the corresponding procedure results. |
For more information about creating HTML output, see ODS HTML Statement. You can see many examples of HTML output in SAS Procedures Guide online documentation.
Note: Procedure options that affect presentation may not affect
HTML output. For instance, the DOUBLE option in PROC PRINT, which inserts
a blank line between observations, has no effect on HTML output.
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