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Category | Function | Description |
Array | DIM | Returns the number of elements in an array |
HBOUND | Returns the upper bound of an array | |
LBOUND | Returns the lower bound of an array | |
Bitwise Logical Operations | BAND | Returns the bitwise logical AND of two arguments |
BLSHIFT | Returns the bitwise logical left shift of two arguments | |
BNOT | Returns the bitwise logical NOT of an argument | |
BOR | Returns the bitwise logical OR of two arguments | |
BRSHIFT | Returns the bitwise logical right shift of two arguments | |
BXOR | Returns the bitwise logical EXCLUSIVE OR of two arguments | |
Character String Matching | CALL RXCHANGE | Changes one or more substrings that match a pattern |
CALL RXFREE | Frees memory allocated by other regular expression (RX) functions and CALL routines | |
CALL RXSUBSTR | Finds the position, length, and score of a substring that matches a pattern | |
RXMATCH | Finds the beginning of a substring that matches a pattern and returns a value | |
RXPARSE | Parses a pattern and returns a value | |
Character | BYTE | Returns one character in the ASCII or the EBCDIC collating sequence |
COLLATE | Returns an ASCII or EBCDIC collating sequence character string | |
COMPBL | Removes multiple blanks from a character string | |
COMPRESS | Removes specific characters from a character string | |
DEQUOTE | Removes quotation marks from a character value | |
INDEX | Searches a character expression for a string of characters | |
INDEXC | Searches a character expression for specific characters | |
INDEXW | Searches a character expression for a specified string as a word | |
LEFT | Left aligns a SAS character expression | |
LENGTH | Returns the length of an argument | |
LOWCASE | Converts all letters in an argument to lowercase | |
MISSING | Returns a numeric result that indicates whether the argument contains a missing value | |
QUOTE | Adds double quotation marks to a character value | |
RANK | Returns the position of a character in the ASCII or EBCDIC collating sequence | |
REPEAT | Repeats a character expression | |
REVERSE | Reverses a character expression | |
RIGHT | Right aligns a character expression | |
SCAN | Selects a given word from a character expression | |
SOUNDEX | Encodes a string to facilitate searching | |
SPEDIS | Determines the likelihood of two words matching, expressed as the asymmetric spelling distance between the two words | |
SUBSTR (left of =) | Replaces character value contents | |
SUBSTR (right of =) | Extracts a substring from an argument | |
TRANSLATE | Replaces specific characters in a character expression | |
TRANWRD | Replaces or removes all occurrences of a word in a character string | |
TRIM | Removes trailing blanks from character expressions and returns one blank if the expression is missing | |
TRIMN | Removes trailing blanks from character expressions and returns a null string (zero blanks) if the expression is missing | |
UPCASE | Converts all letters in an argument to uppercase | |
VERIFY | Returns the position of the first character that is unique to an expression | |
DBCS | KCOMPARE | Returns the result of a comparison of character strings |
KCOMPRESS | Removes specific characters from a character string | |
KCOUNT | Returns the number of double-byte characters in a string | |
KINDEX | Searches a character expression for a string of characters | |
KINDEXC | Searches a character expression for specific characters | |
KLEFT | Left aligns a SAS character expression by removing unnecessary leading DBCS blanks and SO/SI | |
KLENGTH | Returns the length of an argument | |
KLOWCASE | Converts all letters in an argument to lowercase | |
KREVERSE | Reverses a character expression | |
KRIGHT | Right aligns a character expression by trimming trailing DBCS blanks and SO/SI | |
KSCAN | Selects a given word from a character expression | |
KSTRCAT | Concatenates two or more character strings | |
KSUBSTR | Extracts a substring from an argument | |
KSUBSTRB | Extracts a substring from an argument based on byte position | |
KTRANSLATE | Replaces specific characters in a character expression | |
KTRIM | Removes trailing DBCS blanks and SO/SI from character expressions | |
KTRUNCATE | Truncates a numeric value to a specified length | |
KUPCASE | Converts all single-byte letters in an argument to uppercase | |
KUPDATE | Inserts, deletes, and replaces character value contents | |
KUPDATEB | Inserts, deletes, and replaces character value contents based on byte unit | |
KVERIFY | Returns the position of the first character that is unique to an expression | |
Date and Time | DATDIF | Returns the number of days between two dates |
DATE | Returns the current date as a SAS date value | |
DATEJUL | Converts a Julian date to a SAS date value | |
DATEPART | Extracts the date from a SAS datetime value | |
DATETIME | Returns the current date and time of day as a SAS datetime value | |
DAY | Returns the day of the month from a SAS date value | |
DHMS | Returns a SAS datetime value from date, hour, minute, and second | |
HMS | Returns a SAS time value from hour, minute, and second values | |
HOUR | Returns the hour from a SAS time or datetime value | |
INTCK | Returns the integer number of time intervals in a given time span | |
INTNX | Advances a date, time, or datetime value by a given interval, and returns a date, time, or datetime value | |
JULDATE | Returns the Julian date from a SAS date value | |
JULDATE7 | Returns a seven-digit Julian date from a SAS date value | |
MDY | Returns a SAS date value from month, day, and year values | |
MINUTE | Returns the minute from a SAS time or datetime value | |
MONTH | Returns the month from a SAS date value | |
QTR | Returns the quarter of the year from a SAS date value | |
SECOND | Returns the second from a SAS time or datetime value | |
TIME | Returns the current time of day | |
TIMEPART | Extracts a time value from a SAS datetime value | |
TODAY | Returns the current date as a SAS date value | |
WEEKDAY | Returns the day of the week from a SAS date value | |
YEAR | Returns the year from a SAS date value | |
YRDIF | Returns the difference in years between two dates | |
YYQ | Returns a SAS date value from the year and quarter | |
Descriptive Statistics | CSS | Returns the corrected sum of squares |
CV | Returns the coefficient of variation | |
KURTOSIS | Returns the kurtosis | |
MAX | Returns the largest value | |
MEAN | Returns the arithmetic mean (average) | |
MIN | Returns the smallest value | |
MISSING | Returns a numeric result that indicates whether the argument contains a missing value | |
N | Returns the number of nonmissing values | |
NMISS | Returns the number of missing values | |
ORDINAL | Returns any specified order statistic | |
RANGE | Returns the range of values | |
SKEWNESS | Returns the skewness | |
STD | Returns the standard deviation | |
STDERR | Returns the standard error of the mean | |
SUM | Returns the sum of the nonmissing arguments | |
USS | Returns the uncorrected sum of squares | |
VAR | Returns the variance | |
External Files | DCLOSE | Closes a directory that was opened by the DOPEN function and returns a value |
DINFO | Returns information about a directory | |
DNUM | Returns the number of members in a directory | |
DOPEN | Opens a directory and returns a directory identifier value | |
DOPTNAME | Returns directory attribute information | |
DOPTNUM | Returns the number of information items that are available for a directory | |
DREAD | Returns the name of a directory member | |
DROPNOTE | Deletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external file and returns a value | |
FAPPEND | Appends the current record to the end of an external file and returns a value | |
FCLOSE | Closes an external file, directory, or directory member, and returns a value | |
FCOL | Returns the current column position in the File Data Buffer (FDB) | |
FDELETE | Deletes an external file or an empty directory | |
FEXIST | Verifies the existence of an external file associated with a fileref and returns a value | |
FGET | Copies data from the File Data Buffer (FDB) into a variable and returns a value | |
FILEEXIST | Verifies the existence of an external file by its physical name and returns a value | |
FILENAME | Assigns or deassigns a fileref for an external file, directory, or output device and returns a value | |
FILEREF | Verifies that a fileref has been assigned for the current SAS session and returns a value | |
FINFO | Returns the value of a file information item | |
FNOTE | Identifies the last record that was read and returns a value that FPOINT can use | |
FOPEN | Opens an external file and returns a file identifier value | |
FOPTNAME | Returns the name of an item of information about a file | |
FOPTNUM | Returns the number of information items that are available for an external file | |
FPOINT | Positions the read pointer on the next record to be read and returns a value | |
FPOS | Sets the position of the column pointer in the File Data Buffer (FDB) and returns a value | |
FPUT | Moves data to the File Data Buffer (FDB) of an external file, starting at the FDB's current column position, and returns a value | |
FREAD | Reads a record from an external file into the File Data Buffer (FDB) and returns a value | |
FREWIND | Positions the file pointer to the start of the file and returns a value | |
FRLEN | Returns the size of the last record read, or, if the file is opened for output, returns the current record size | |
FSEP | Sets the token delimiters for the FGET function and returns a value | |
FWRITE | Writes a record to an external file and returns a value | |
MOPEN | Opens a file by directory id and member name, and returns the file identifier or a 0 | |
PATHNAME | Returns the physical name of a SAS data library or of an external file, or returns a blank | |
SYSMSG | Returns the text of error messages or warning messages from the last data set or external file function execution | |
SYSRC | Returns a system error number | |
External Routines | CALL MODULE | Calls the external routine without any return code |
CALL MODULEI | Calls the external routine without any return code (in IML environment only) | |
MODULEC | Calls an external routine and returns a character value | |
MODULEIC | Calls an external routine and returns a character value (in IML environment only) | |
MODULEIN | Calls an external routine and returns a numeric value (in IML environment only) | |
MODULEN | Calls an external routine and returns a numeric value | |
Financial | COMPOUND | Returns compound interest parameters |
CONVX | Returns the convexity for an enumerated cashflow | |
CONVXP | Returns the convexity for a periodic cashflow stream, such as a bond | |
DACCDB | Returns the accumulated declining balance depreciation | |
DACCDBSL | Returns the accumulated declining balance with conversion to a straight-line depreciation | |
DACCSL | Returns the accumulated straight-line depreciation | |
DACCSYD | Returns the accumulated sum-of-years-digits depreciation | |
DACCTAB | Returns the accumulated depreciation from specified tables | |
DEPDB | Returns the declining balance depreciation | |
DEPDBSL | Returns the declining balance with conversion to a straight-line depreciation | |
DEPSL | Returns the straight-line depreciation | |
DEPSYD | Returns the sum-of-years-digits depreciation | |
DEPTAB | Returns the depreciation from specified tables | |
DUR | Returns the modified duration for an enumerated cashflow | |
DURP | Returns the modified duration for a periodic cashflow stream, such as a bond | |
INTRR | Returns the internal rate of return as a fraction | |
IRR | Returns the internal rate of return as a percentage | |
MORT | Returns amortization parameters | |
NETPV | Returns the net present value as a fraction | |
NPV | Returns the net present value with the rate expressed as a percentage | |
PVP | Returns the present value for a periodic cashflow stream, such as a bond | |
SAVING | Returns the future value of a periodic saving | |
YIELDP | Returns the yield-to-maturity for a periodic cashflow stream, such as a bond | |
Hyperbolic | COSH | Returns the hyperbolic cosine |
SINH | Returns the hyperbolic sine | |
TANH | Returns the hyperbolic tangent | |
Macro | CALL EXECUTE | Resolves an argument and issues the resolved value for execution |
CALL SYMPUT | Assigns DATA step information to a macro variable | |
RESOLVE | Returns the resolved value of an argument after it has been processed by the macro facility | |
SYMGET | Returns the value of a macro variable during DATA step execution | |
Mathematical | ABS | Returns the absolute value |
AIRY | Returns the value of the airy function | |
CNONCT | Returns the noncentrality parameter from a chi-squared distribution | |
COMB | Computes the number of combinations of n elements taken r at a time and returns a value | |
CONSTANT | Computes some machine and mathematical constants and returns a value | |
DAIRY | Returns the derivative of the airy function | |
DEVIANCE | Computes the deviance and returns a value | |
DIGAMMA | Returns the value of the DIGAMMA function | |
ERF | Returns the value of the (normal) error function | |
ERFC | Returns the value of the complementary (normal) error function | |
EXP | Returns the value of the exponential function | |
FACT | Computes a factorial and returns a value | |
FNONCT | Returns the value of the noncentrality parameter of an F distribution | |
GAMMA | Returns the value of the Gamma function | |
IBESSEL | Returns the value of the modified bessel function | |
JBESSEL | Returns the value of the bessel function | |
LGAMMA | Returns the natural logarithm of the Gamma function | |
LOG | Returns the natural (base e) logarithm | |
LOG10 | Returns the logarithm to the base 10 | |
LOG2 | Returns the logarithm to the base 2 | |
MOD | Returns the remainder value | |
PERM | Computes the number of permutations of n items taken r at a time and returns a value | |
SIGN | Returns the sign of a value | |
SQRT | Returns the square root of a value | |
TNONCT | Returns the value of the noncentrality parameter from the student's t distribution | |
TRIGAMMA | Returns the value of the TRIGAMMA function | |
Probability | CDF | Computes cumulative distribution functions |
LOGPDF | Computes the logarithm of a probability (mass) function | |
LOGSDF | Computes the logarithm of a survival function | |
Computes probability density (mass) functions | ||
POISSON | Returns the probability from a Poisson distribution | |
PROBBETA | Returns the probability from a beta distribution | |
PROBBNML | Returns the probability from a binomial distribution | |
PROBBNRM | Computes a probability from the bivariate normal distribution and returns a value | |
PROBCHI | Returns the probability from a chi-squared distribution | |
PROBF | Returns the probability from an F distribution | |
PROBGAM | Returns the probability from a gamma distribution | |
PROBHYPR | Returns the probability from a hypergeometric distribution | |
PROBMC | Computes a probability or a quantile from various distributions for multiple comparisons of means, and returns a value | |
PROBNEGB | Returns the probability from a negative binomial distribution | |
PROBNORM | Returns the probability from the standard normal distribution | |
PROBT | Returns the probability from a t distribution | |
SDF | Computes a survival function | |
Quantile | BETAINV | Returns a quantile from the beta distribution |
CINV | Returns a quantile from the chi-squared distribution | |
FINV | Returns a quantile from the F distribution | |
GAMINV | Returns a quantile from the gamma distribution | |
PROBIT | Returns a quantile from the standard normal distribution | |
TINV | Returns a quantile from the t distribution | |
Random Number | CALL RANBIN | Returns a random variate from a binomial distribution |
CALL RANCAU | Returns a random variate from a Cauchy distribution | |
CALL RANEXP | Returns a random variate from an exponential distribution | |
CALL RANGAM | Returns a random variate from a gamma distribution | |
CALL RANNOR | Returns a random variate from a normal distribution | |
CALL RANPOI | Returns a random variate from a Poisson distribution | |
CALL RANTBL | Returns a random variate from a tabled probability distribution | |
CALL RANTRI | Returns a random variate from a triangular distribution | |
CALL RANUNI | Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution | |
NORMAL | Returns a random variate from a normal distribution | |
RANBIN | Returns a random variate from a binomial distribution | |
RANCAU | Returns a random variate from a Cauchy distribution | |
RANEXP | Returns a random variate from an exponential distribution | |
RANGAM | Returns a random variate from a gamma distribution | |
RANNOR | Returns a random variate from a normal distribution | |
RANPOI | Returns a random variate from a Poisson distribution | |
RANTBL | Returns a random variate from a tabled probability | |
RANTRI | Random variate from a triangular distribution | |
RANUNI | Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution | |
UNIFORM | Random variate from a uniform distribution | |
SAS File I/O | ATTRC | Returns the value of a character attribute for a SAS data set |
ATTRN | Returns the value of a numeric attribute for the specified SAS data set | |
CEXIST | Verifies the existence of a SAS catalog or SAS catalog entry and returns a value | |
CLOSE | Closes a SAS data set and returns a value | |
CUROBS | Returns the observation number of the current observation | |
DROPNOTE | Deletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external file and returns a value | |
DSNAME | Returns the SAS data set name that is associated with a data set identifier | |
EXIST | Verifies the existence of a SAS data library member | |
FETCH | Reads the next nondeleted observation from a SAS data set into the Data Set Data Vector (DDV) and returns a value | |
FETCHOBS | Reads a specified observation from a SAS data set into the Data Set Data Vector (DDV) and returns a value | |
GETVARC | Returns the value of a SAS data set character variable | |
GETVARN | Returns the value of a SAS data set numeric variable | |
IORCMSG | Returns a formatted error message for _IORC_ | |
LIBNAME | Assigns or deassigns a libref for a SAS data library and returns a value | |
LIBREF | Verifies that a libref has been assigned and returns a value | |
NOTE | Returns an observation ID for the current observation of a SAS data set | |
OPEN | Opens a SAS data set and returns a value | |
PATHNAME | Returns the physical name of a SAS data library or of an external file, or returns a blank | |
POINT | Locates an observation identified by the NOTE function and returns a value | |
REWIND | Positions the data set pointer at the beginning of a SAS data set and returns a value | |
SYSMSG | Returns the text of error messages or warning messages from the last data set or external file function execution | |
SYSRC | Returns a system error number | |
VARFMT | Returns the format assigned to a SAS data set variable | |
VARINFMT | Returns the informat assigned to a SAS data set variable | |
VARLABEL | Returns the label assigned to a SAS data set variable | |
VARLEN | Returns the length of a SAS data set variable | |
VARNAME | Returns the name of a SAS data set variable | |
VARNUM | Returns the number of a variable's position in a SAS data set | |
VARTYPE | Returns the data type of a SAS data set variable | |
Special | ADDR | Returns the memory address of a variable |
CALL POKE | Writes a value directly into memory | |
CALL SYSTEM | Submits an operating environment command for execution | |
DIF | Returns differences between the argument and its nth lag | |
GETOPTION | Returns the value of a SAS system or graphics option | |
INPUT | Returns the value produced when a SAS expression that uses a specified informat expression is read | |
INPUTC | Enables you to specify a character informat at run time | |
INPUTN | Enables you to specify a numeric informat at run time | |
LAG | Returns values from a queue | |
PEEK | Stores the contents of a memory address into a numeric variable | |
PEEKC | Stores the contents of a memory address into a character variable | |
POKE | Writes a value directly into memory | |
PUT | Returns a value using a specified format | |
PUTC | Enables you to specify a character format at run time | |
PUTN | Enables you to specify a numeric format at run time | |
SYSGET | Returns the value of the specified operating environment variable | |
SYSPARM | Returns the system parameter string | |
SYSPROD | Determines if a product is licensed | |
SYSTEM | Issues an operating environment command during a SAS session | |
State and ZIP Code | FIPNAME | Converts FIPS codes to uppercase state names |
FIPNAMEL | Converts FIPS codes to mixed case state names | |
FIPSTATE | Converts FIPS codes to two-character postal codes | |
STFIPS | Converts state postal codes to FIPS state codes | |
STNAME | Converts state postal codes to uppercase state names | |
STNAMEL | Converts state postal codes to mixed case state names | |
ZIPFIPS | Converts ZIP codes to FIPS state codes | |
ZIPNAME | Converts ZIP codes to uppercase state names | |
ZIPNAMEL | Converts ZIP codes to mixed case state names | |
ZIPSTATE | Converts ZIP codes to state postal codes | |
Trigonometric | ARCOS | Returns the arccosine |
ARSIN | Returns the arcsine | |
ATAN | Returns the arctangent | |
COS | Returns the cosine | |
SIN | Returns the sine | |
TAN | Returns the tangent | |
Truncation | CEIL | Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument |
FLOOR | Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument | |
FUZZ | Returns the nearest integer if the argument is within 1E-12 | |
INT | Returns the integer value | |
ROUND | Rounds to the nearest round-off unit | |
TRUNC | Truncates a numeric value to a specified length | |
Variable Control | CALL LABEL | Assigns a variable label to a specified character variable |
CALL SET | Links SAS data set variables to DATA step or macro variables that have the same name and data type | |
CALL VNAME | Assigns a variable name as the value of a specified variable | |
Variable Information | VARRAY | Returns a value that indicates whether the specified name is an array |
VARRAYX | Returns a value that indicates whether the value of the specified argument is an array | |
VFORMAT | Returns the format that is associated with the specified variable | |
VFORMATD | Returns the format decimal value that is associated with the specified variable | |
VFORMATDX | Returns the format decimal value that is associated with the value of the specified argument | |
VFORMATN | Returns the format name that is associated with the specified variable | |
VFORMATNX | Returns the format name that is associated with the value of the specified argument | |
VFORMATW | Returns the format width that is associated with the specified variable | |
VFORMATWX | Returns the format width that is associated with the value of the specified argument | |
VFORMATX | Returns the format that is associated with the value of the specified argument | |
VINARRAY | Returns a value that indicates whether the specified variable is a member of an array | |
VINARRAYX | Returns a value that indicates whether the value of the specified argument is a member of an array | |
VINFORMAT | Returns the informat that is associated with the specified variable | |
VINFORMATD | Returns the informat decimal value that is associated with the specified variable | |
VINFORMATDX | Returns the informat decimal value that is associated with the value of the specified argument | |
VINFORMATN | Returns the informat name that is associated with the specified variable | |
VINFORMATNX | Returns the informat name that is associated with the value of the specified argument | |
VINFORMATW | Returns the informat width that is associated with the specified variable | |
VINFORMATWX | Returns the informat width that is associated with the value of the specified argument | |
VINFORMATX | Returns the informat that is associated with the value of the specified argument | |
VLABEL | Returns the label that is associated with the specified variable | |
VLABELX | Returns the variable label for the value of a specified argument | |
VLENGTH | Returns the compile-time (allocated) size of the specified variable | |
VLENGTHX | Returns the compile-time (allocated) size for the value of the specified argument | |
VNAME | Returns the name of the specified variable | |
VNAMEX | Validates the value of the specified argument as a variable name | |
VTYPE | Returns the type (character or numeric) of the specified variable | |
VTYPEX | Returns the type (character or numeric) for the value of the specified argument | |
Web Tools | HTMLDECODE | Decodes a string containing HTML numeric character references or HTML character entity references and returns the decoded string |
HTMLENCODE | Encodes characters using HTML character entity references and returns the encoded string | |
URLDECODE | Returns a string that was decoded using the URL escape syntax | |
URLENCODE | Returns a string that was encoded using the URL escape syntax |
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Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.