You can use the following statements when invoking
SAS/INSIGHT either as a procedure or as a task.
Brackets (<>) denote optional parameters.
- PROC INSIGHT < INFILE=fileref > < FILE<=fileref> >
- < DATA=SAS-data-set > < TOOLS >
- WINDOW < x y width height > < / NOSCROLL >;
- OPEN SAS-data-set < / NODISPLAY >;
- BY < variable-list >;
- CLASS variable-list;
- BAR variable-list
- < / < FREQ=variable > < OTHER=value >
- < XAXIS=axis > < YAXIS=axis > >;
- BOX variable-list < * variable-list >
- < / < FREQ=variable > < LABEL=variable >
- < OTHER=value > < < MARKERSIZE | MS >=value >
- < YAXIS=axis > >;
- LINE variable-list * variable
- < / < LABEL=variable > < < MARKERSIZE | MS >=value >
- < XAXIS=axis > < YAXIS=axis > >;
- SCATTER variable-list * variable-list
- < / < LABEL=variable > < < MARKERSIZE | MS >=value >
- < XAXIS=axis > < YAXIS=axis > >;
- ROTATE variable-list * variable-list * variable-list
- < / < LABEL=variable > < < MARKERSIZE | MS >=value >
- < XAXIS=axis > < YAXIS=axis > < ZAXIS=axis > >;
- DIST variable-list
- < / < FREQ=variable > < WEIGHT=variable >
- < LABEL=variable > >;
- MULT variable-list
- < / < FREQ=variable > < WEIGHT=variable >
- < LABEL=variable > >;
- FIT variable-list < = effects-list >
- < / < FREQ=variable > < WEIGHT=variable >
- < LABEL=variable > < NOINT >
- < RESP=response > < BINOM=variable >
- < OFFSET=variable > < LINK=link >
- < POWER=value > < NOEXACT > < FISHER >
- < QUASI > < SCALE=scale > < CONSTANT=value > >;
- RUN;
Unless you override them with the options listed above,
graph and analysis statements use options
stored in your SASUSER.PROFILE catalog.
For more information on SAS/INSIGHT options, see
Chapter 30, "Working with Other SAS Products."
The WINDOW statement and the NODISPLAY, OTHER=, MARKERSIZE=, and axis options
can be used as input, but they are not recordable.
Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.