ROWCAT Function
concatenates rows without using blank compression
- ROWCAT( matrix<, rows<, columns>>);
The inputs to the ROWCAT function are as follows:
- matrix
- is a character matrix or quoted literal.
- rows
- select the rows of matrix.
- columns
- select the columns of matrix.
The ROWCAT function takes a character matrix or submatrix as its
argument and creates a new matrix with one column whose elements
are the concatenation of all row elements into a single string.
If the argument has n rows and m columns,
the result willhave n rows and 1 column.
The element length of the result will be m
times the element length of the argument.
The optional rows and columns arguments may be used
to select which rows and columns are concatenated.
For example, the statements
b={"ABC" "D " "EF ",
" GH" " I " " JK"};
produce the 2 ×1 matrix:
A 2 rows 1 col (character, size 9)
Quotes (") are needed only if you want to embed blanks or special
characters or to maintain uppercase and lowercase distinctions.
The form
- ROWCAT( matrix, rows, columns)
returns the same result as
- ROWCAT( matrix[rows, columns])
The form
- ROWCAT( matrix, rows)
returns the same result as
- ROWCAT( matrix[rows,])
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