The Complete Guide to the SAS Output Delivery System, Version 8

Learn how to make the most of your SAS output! Do you want to generate procedure output that you can view with a web browser or that takes advantage of the high resolution of a postscript printer? Do you want to turn the output of a procedure into a SAS data set? Do you want to see part of that voluminous procedure output, but not everything it produces? Do you want to change the presentation of a procedure's results to suit your own needs? How about changing the colors and fonts that SAS uses in HTML and Printer output? This book teaches you how to do these things and more with the results of SAS procedures and of DATA step programs. New users can quickly learn the basics of ODS from the text or by copying and modifying the examples. More experienced users can delve into the complexities of PROC TEMPLATE to produce a truly original look and feel for their SAS output.

350 pages.

CMS, MVS, OS/390, OS/2, UNIX, OpenVMS Alpha, OpenVMS VAX, Windows

ISBN: 1-58025-484-5

Order #CW57241

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