Tuning SAS Applications in the MVS Environment

Book Cover

by Michael A. Raithel

Significantly reduce MVS resource overhead by tuning your SAS applications! This book reveals the secrets of exploiting the MVS environment to create and tune efficient SAS applications. Programmers at every level will learn how to take advantage of performance tools that make tuning easy. Topics include using MVS performance metrics; efficiently storing SAS data sets and sequential data sets on DASD and tape; using buffer number, buffer size, indexes, and data compression to improve performance; optimizing VSAM processing, using the stored program facility to reduce compile time; and exploiting MVS hiperspaces to reduce processor overhead. A section devoted to MVS environmental factors unrelated to SAS provides readers with an understanding of MVS events that may affect their application performance every day. SAS programmers working with business, scientific, statistical, or pharmaceutical applications under MVS will appreciate this book's comprehensive focus on efficiency issues in that environment.

316 pages.

Table of contents

Also Recommended: SAS Companion for the MVS Environment, Version 6, Second Edition; SAS Language: Reference, Version 6, First Edition; SAS Procedures Guide, Version 6, Third Edition;

MVS, OS/390

ISBN: 1-55544-278-1

Order #CW55231

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