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SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference |
You can send the graphics output to external files either at the time you run the program that creates the graphs, or later when you replay them from the catalog in which they are stored. For this reason, these methods are most useful for processing large quantities of output. In addition, using program statements allows you to specify exactly the device driver you want and is therefore a more flexible and powerful way of exporting SAS/GRAPH output.
The following sections provide some information common to all the processes and then describes each process in detail.
General Information |
Regardless of the process you use to create a GSF from a SAS/GRAPH program, you must specify the following:
Each requirement is explained in detail in the
process descriptions.
When you are working with both catalog entries and external
files, you should understand how both types of output are named.
You can use the NAME= option in the SAS/GRAPH procedure to specify a name for the catalog entry that the procedure generates. How this name is used depends on whether the FILENAME statement points to a specific external file or to an aggregate file storage location.
See How SAS/GRAPH Generates Entry Names and File Names
for examples.
If you omit NAME=, SAS/GRAPH uses the default naming convention to name the catalog entry, and in some cases the external file. This convention uses up to eight characters of the procedure name as the base name for the catalog entry. If the name generated by the procedure duplicates an existing entry, the name is incremented, for example, GCHART, GCHART1, GCHART2, and so forth. For details, see the description of the NAME= option for a specific procedure.
See How SAS/GRAPH Generates Entry Names and File Names
for examples.
When you send SAS/GRAPH output
to an aggregate file storage location, SAS/GRAPH generates
the name of the external file by taking the catalog entry name and adding
the appropriate file extension. Most drivers provide a default extension.
If a driver does not generate an extension, SAS/GRAPH uses
the default extension .GSF. To specify a different extension from the one SAS/GRAPH provides,
use the EXTENSION= graphics option. (For details, see EXTENSION=).
illustrates how SAS/GRAPH generates names for catalog entries and external files, depending on 1) whether the NAME= option is used, and 2) on the fileref specification. This illustration assumes the GSLIDE procedure and DEV=GIF:
If... | And... | Then |
NAME='FRED' | fileref points to a file named 'MYSLIDE.GIF' | catalog entry name: FRED external file name: MYSLIDE.GIF |
NAME='FRED' | fileref points to a storage location (for example, a directory) | catalog entry name: FRED external file name: FRED.GIF |
NAME= (not specified) | fileref points to a file named 'MYSLIDE.GIF' | catalog entry name: GSLIDE external file name: MYSLIDE.GIF |
NAME= (not specified) | fileref points to a storage location (for example, a directory) | catalog entry name: GSLIDE external file name: GSLIDE.GIF |
Note: When the fileref points to an aggregate
file storage location, the name of the catalog entry always determines
the name of the external file. It does not matter whether the catalog entry
name is the default name or a name assigned by NAME=.
Saving One Graph to a File |
Note: The GSF remains open while the SAS/GRAPH procedure is running. Be sure to end the procedure by submitting another procedure step, DATA step, or QUIT statement. To be really safe, you can submit a FILENAME fileref CLEAR; statement to explicitly close the GSF.
Operating Environment Information: On certain systems, other
graphics options may be required. For more information
on creating a graphics stream file, refer to the SAS Help facility for SAS/GRAPH Device
Drivers for your operating environment.
This example creates one GSF that contains one text slide created by a group of TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements and the GSLIDE procedure.
Define the fileref. The FILENAME statement associates the fileref GRAFOUT with the external file that is the destination for the GSF. The file extension .PS indicates that the graphics output is PostScript.
filename grafout '';
Specify graphics options for the GSF. RESET=ALL resets all global statements and graphics options. DEVICE= specifies a PostScript device driver. GSFNAME= assigns the fileref GRAFOUT as the destination for the GSF. GSFMODE=REPLACE (the default) causes the contents of the external file to be replaced each time the graphics procedure is run.
goptions reset=all device=pscolor gsfname=grafout gsfmode=replace ftext=swissb;
Produce one text slide. NAME= specifies the name that is assigned to the catalog entry created by the procedure. If you omit NAME=, SAS/GRAPH uses the default naming convention to name the entry.
proc gslide border name='proposal'; title1 h=4 'Proposed Design Improvements:'; title2 h=3 '* Increase Stability'; title3 h=3 '* Increase Speed'; title4 h=3 '* Reduce Weight'; footnote h=2 j=l 'ABC Company'; run; quit;
When you submit these statements, SAS/GRAPH does the following if no graphs of the same name exist in the catalog:
Because the destination is a specific file and because GSFMODE=REPLACE, each time you run the program it replaces the contents of the external file. Therefore, this method is particularly useful when you want to update an external file by resubmitting an existing program.
However, if there is more than one run of a graphics procedure in this program, the file would contain only the graphics output from the last procedure run because this program replaces the external file each time a graphics procedure is run.
Note: Even though
the contents of the external file are replaced, the catalog entry is not.
Unless you explicitly delete the existing entry named PROPOSAL, each time
you submit the program, a new entry is created and the catalog entry name
is incremented. This table illustrates what happens if you submit the above
program three times without deleting the catalog entries:
Pass | Catalog entries | File name | |
1 | PROPOSAL | | |
2 | PROPOSA1 | | |
3 | PROPOSA2 | |
Note that each new catalog entry replaces the contents of the external file, in this case, For more information, see Replacing Existing External Files.
For a complete description of the graphics options used in this example, see Graphics Options and Device Parameters Dictionary.
Saving Multiple Graphs to One File |
This example stores several text slides in one external file. The program is the same as the previous example except the GOPTIONS statement specifies GSFMODE=APPEND and the GSLIDE procedure uses RUN-group processing to create multiple slides. Each slide includes the current TITLE statement and all previously defined TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements.
Define the fileref.
filename grafout '';
Specify graphics options for the GSF. GSFNAME= assigns the fileref GRAFOUT as the destination for the GSF. GSFMODE=APPEND adds each new piece of output to the end of the external file.
goptions reset=all device=pscolor gsfname=grafout gsfmode=append ftext=swissb rotate=landscape;
Produce four text slides. Each RUN-group generates a new catalog entry. NAME= specifies the base name for each catalog entry created by the procedure.
proc gslide border name='proposal'; footnote h=2 j=l 'ABC Company'; title1 h=4 'Proposed Design Improvements:'; run; title1 h=3 '* Increase Stability'; run; title1 h=3 '* Increase Speed'; run; title1 h=3 '* Reduce Weight'; run; quit;
When you submit these statements, SAS/GRAPH does the following if no graphs of the same name exist in the catalog:
Note: Because the destination is a
specific file and because the GSFMODE= setting is APPEND, each time you run
the program SAS/GRAPH adds the new
graphs to the external file. If you want the file to contain only the newly
created graphs, delete it before resubmitting the program.
In addition, if you resubmit the program without deleting the original catalog entries, SAS/GRAPH will create four new entries that will be added to the catalog entry and four new graphs appended to the external file, both of which will contain all eight graphs.
This table illustrates what happens if you submit this program twice without deleting the catalog entries or the external file:
Pass | Catalog entries | File name | File contents | |
For more information, see Replacing Existing External Files.
Saving Multiple Graphs to Multiple Files |
These steps describe the general process:
Although the general technique is the same, there are significant differences between directing your graphics output to a specific file and directing it to an aggregate file storage location. These differences are mostly concerned with how the file is named.
When the destination is an aggregate file storage location, SAS/GRAPH not only creates the external file, it also names it. When SAS/GRAPH names an external file, it always uses the name of the entry in the output catalog. This name is either
In addition, SAS/GRAPH automatically appends the correct file extension to the external file name. For example, if the output is named Q1SALES and the external file is a GIF file, the file name is Q1SALES.GIF.
This technique of building the file name from the catalog entry name
affects what you do when you want to replace the contents of a file created
in this way. For details, see Replacing Existing External Files.
This example creates four text slides and stores each one in a separate external file. The program is similar to the previous examples except the fileref points to an aggregate storage location instead of to a specific file.
Define the fileref. The FILENAME statement assigns an aggregate file storage location as the destination for the files.
filename grafout 'external-file-location'; /* such as a directory */
Specify graphics options for the GSF. GSFNAME= assigns the fileref GRAFOUT as the destination for the GSF. GSFMODE=REPLACE (the default) replaces the contents of the external files with catalog entries of the same name.
goptions reset=all device=pscolor gsfname=grafout gsfmode=replace ftext=swissb rotate=landscape;
Produce four text slides. Each RUN-group generates a new catalog entry. NAME= specifies the base name for each catalog entry that is generated by the procedure. This name is also the base name for the external files.
proc gslide border name='proposal'; footnote h=2 j=l 'ABC Company'; title1 h=4 'Proposed Design Improvements:'; run; title1 h=3 '* Increase Stability'; run; title1 h=3 '* Increase Speed'; run; title1 h=3 '* Reduce Weight'; run; quit;
When you submit these statements, SAS/GRAPH does the following if no graphs of the same name exist in the catalog:
Note: Because you cannot replace individual
entries in a catalog, each time you run the program SAS/GRAPH creates
new catalog entries and consequently new files. If you want to replace the
files, you must delete the corresponding catalog entries before resubmitting
the program.
This table illustrates what happens if you submit this program twice without deleting the catalog entries:
Pass | Catalog entries | File name | |
Because the catalog names increment, there is never a matching file that the new catalog can replace. Therefore, unless you delete the existing entries, the program continues to create new files. To delete the existing entries, first run a GREPLAY procedure with the DELETE option:
proc greplay igout=work.gseg nofs; delete proposal proposa1 proposa2 proposa3;
Replacing Existing External Files |
Therefore, to replace the contents of existing external files with a new set of graphs, you must be sure that the catalog you are using does not already contain entries of the same name. There are several ways to assure that a catalog does not contain entries with the same names as your files:
One additional method for replacing catalog entries
is rarely recommended because it is easy to accidentally delete catalog entries
that you did not intend to delete. If you want to replace the entire contents
of the catalog and if you are running only one procedure, you can use the
graphics option GOUTMODE=REPLACE. Whenever a new procedure starts, GOUTMODE=REPLACE
replaces the entire contents of the current catalog with the
new entries; it does not replace individual entries.
The following example uses the GREPLAY procedure to explicitly delete specified catalog entries so that you can re-create them and replace the corresponding external files. This example uses the permanent catalog MYLIB.GRAFCAT.
Define the libref for the permanent catalog.
libname mylib 'SAS-data-library';
Define the fileref. The FILENAME statement assigns an aggregate file storage location as the destination for the files.
filename grafout 'external-file-location';
Specify graphics options for the GSF. GSFNAME= assigns the fileref GRAFOUT as the destination for the GSF. GSFMODE=REPLACE (the default) replaces the contents of the external files with catalog entries of the same name.
goptions reset=all device=pscolor gsfname=grafout gsfmode=replace ftext=swissb rotate=landscape;
Delete existing catalog entries of the same name. The GREPLAY procedure deletes the specified catalog entries. These are the catalog names generated by the NAME= option in the procedure. If the entries do not exist, PROC GREPLAY issues a message and the program continues.
proc greplay nofs igout=mylib.grafcat; delete proposal proposa1 proposa2 proposa3; run;
Produce four text slides. Each RUN-group generates a new catalog entry. NAME= specifies the base name for each catalog entry generated by the procedure. This name is also the base name for the external files.
proc gslide border gout=mylib.grafcat name='proposal'; footnote h=2 j=l 'ABC Company'; run; title1 h=3 '* Increase Strength'; run; title1 h=3 '* Reduce Drag'; run; title1 h=3 '* Increase Resistance to Sheer'; run; quit;
When you submit these statements, SAS/GRAPH does the following:
Other Ways to Assign the Destination |
You can use the GACCESS= graphics option to assign the
destination for a graphics stream file. There are two ways to do this.
This method is similar to the GSFNAME= method described in the previous sections.
For example, these statements define and assign the fileref for an aggregate file storage location:
/* define a fileref for the destination */ filename gsasfile 'external-file-location'; /* assign the fileref and specify a device */ goptions reset=all gaccess=gsasfile device=gif;
You can also use GACCESS= to assign the destination and omit the FILENAME statement. In this case, you must also include the SASGASTD output format and quote the entire value. The destination can be either a specific file or an aggregate file storage location.
For example, this statement assigns a specific file location as the destination for the graphics stream file:
/* assign the fileref and specify a device */ goptions reset=all gaccess='sasgastd > my-graph-file.gif' device=gif;
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