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Moving and Accessing SAS Files across Operating Environments

Transport Format

Using a supported method, you create a transport file that is represented internally in a common language format, which is known as transport format. A transport file is a sequential file that contains one or more data sets or catalogs or both in transport format. A transport file contains a header (which describes the content of the file) and the contents of the member types (which are represented in binary format).

Two distinctive types of transport formats result from the particular method that creates the transport file:

Because these methods produce transport files whose formats are different, you cannot mix methods to create and then to restore the transport file. The methods that you use must be identical or be a compatible pair. For example, you can create and restore a transport file using the XPORT engine and PROC COPY or the DATA step at both the source and target hosts. Likewise, you can create a transport file using PROC CPORT at the source host, and you can import the transport file using PROC CIMPORT at the target host. However, you cannot, for example, create a transport file using the XPORT engine and PROC COPY at the source host and then try to use PROC CIMPORT to import the transport file at the target host.

Determining Which Method Was Used to Create the Transport File

How you determine the traditional method (XPORT engine with PROC COPY or PROC CIMPORT and PROC CIMPORT) that was used to create a transport file depends on your host.

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