Moving and Accessing SAS Files across Operating Environments |
You may consult related SAS documents for background information about a topic
and for complete descriptions of SAS statement and procedure syntax. Here
are the recommended related SAS documents :
- SAS Language Reference: Concepts
- provides information about converting SAS
files to a new SAS release on the same host. Also, it describes Version 8
- SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
- provides portable syntax information about
SAS statements (such as LIBNAME and FILENAME) and SAS system options, which
you must use in order to move SAS files between operating environments.
- SAS Operating Environment Companions
- provides host-specific syntax information
about SAS statements (such as LIBNAME), which you must use in order to move
SAS files between operating environments.
- SAS Procedures Guide
- provides syntax information about SAS procedures
(such as PROC COPY, and PROC CPORT and PROC CIMPORT), which you must use in
order to move SAS files between operating environments.
- SAS/CONNECT User's Guide
- gives complete details about performing
PROC UPLOAD and PROC DOWNLOAD. It also describes the features of CEDA.
- SAS/SHARE User's Guide
- gives complete details about SAS/SHARE.
Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.