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Moving and Accessing SAS Files across Operating Environments

Creating a Transport File on CMS

If you plan to transfer the transport file to tape, issue the appropriate CMS command to mount a tape.

To create a transport file for a data set, issue the following statement:

For tape:

cms filedef xportout tapn nl
    (recfm fb lrecl 80 blksize 8000;

For disk:

libname xportout xport 
  'file-name file-type file-mode';

Note:   For a transport file name, specify a fully-qualified name instead of just a file mode such as B.  [cautionend]

To create a transport file for a catalog or a data library, issue the following statements:

For tape:

filename xportout tape 'tap1' recfm=fb lrecl=80 

For disk:

filename xportout 'file-name file-type

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