OUTPUT Statement
- OUTPUT OUT= SAS-data-set tablename=var1 var2 ... ;
The OUTPUT statement creates an output data set
containing specified tables.
The data set is named by the OUT= option.
- OUT= SAS-data-set
If OUT= is omitted, the SAS System
names the new data set using the
DATAn convention.
For each table to be included in the output data
set, write the X11 table identification keyword,
an equal sign, and a list of new variable names.
tablename = var1 var2 ...
The tablename keywords that can be used in the
OUTPUT statement are listed in "Printed Output"
later in this chapter. The following is an
example of a VAR and OUTPUT statement.
var z1 z2 z3;
output out=out_x11 b1=s d11=w x y;
The variable s contains the
table B1 values for the variable z1,
while the table D11 values for variables z1, z2, and z3
are contained in variables w, x, and y respectively.
As this example shows, the list of
variables following a tablename=
keyword can be shorter than the VAR variable list.
In addition to the variables named by
tablename=var1 var2 ... , the
ID variables, and BY variables, the output data
set contains a date identifier variable. If the DATE=
option is given in the MONTHLY or QUARTERLY statement,
the DATE= variable is the date identifier. If no DATE=
is given, a variable named _DATE_ is the date identifier.
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