Chapter Contents
Chapter Contents
The MODEL Procedure

Functional Summary

The statements and options in the MODEL procedure are summarized in the following table.

Description Statement Option
Data Set Options   
specify the input data set for the variablesFIT, SOLVEDATA=
specify the input data set for parametersFIT, SOLVEESTDATA=
specify the method for handling missing valuesFITMISSING=
specify the input data set for parametersMODELPARMSDATA=
specify the output data set for residual, predicted, or actual valuesFITOUT=
specify the output data set for solution mode resultsSOLVEOUT=
write the actual values to OUT= data setFITOUTACTUAL
select all output optionsFITOUTALL
write the covariance matrix of the estimatesFITOUTCOV
write the parameter estimates to a data setFITOUTEST=
write the parameter estimates to a data setMODELOUTPARMS=
write the observations used to start the lagsSOLVEOUTLAGS
write the predicted values to the OUT= data setFITOUTPREDICT
write the residual values to the OUT= data setFITOUTRESID
write the covariance matrix of the equation errors to a data setFITOUTS=
write the S matrix used in the objective function definition to a data setFITOUTSUSED=
write the estimate of the variance matrix of the moment generating functionFITOUTV=
read the covariance matrix of the equation errorsFIT, SOLVESDATA=
read the covariance matrix for GMM and ITGMMFITVDATA=
specify the name of the time variableFIT, SOLVE, MODELTIME=
select the estimation type to readFIT, SOLVETYPE=
General ESTIMATE Statement Options   
specify the name of the data set in which the estimate of the functions of the parameters are to be writtenESTIMATEOUTEST=
write the covariance matrix of the functions of the parameters to the OUTEST= data setESTIMATEOUTCOV
print the covariance matrix of the functions of the parametersESTIMATECOVB
print the correlation matrix of the functions of the parametersESTIMATECORRB
Printing Options for FIT Tasks   
print the modified Breusch-Pagan test for heteroscedasticityFITBREUSCH
print collinearity diagnosticsFITCOLLIN
print the correlation matricesFITCORR
print the correlation matrix of the parametersFITCORRB
print the correlation matrix of the residualsFITCORRS
print the covariance matricesFITCOV
print the covariance matrix of the parametersFITCOVB
print the covariance matrix of the residualsFITCOVS
print Durbin-Watson d statisticsFITDW
print first-stage R2 statisticsFITFSRSQ
print Godfrey's tests for autocorrelated residuals for each equationFITGODFREY
print tests of normality of the model residualsFITNORMAL
specify all the printing optionsFITPRINTALL
print White's test for heteroscedasticityFITWHITE
Options to Control FIT Iteration Output   
print the inverse of the crossproducts Jacobian matrixFITI
print a summary iteration listingFITITPRINT
print a detailed iteration listingFITITDETAILS
print the crossproduct Jacobian matrixFITXPX
specify all the iteration printing-control optionsFITITALL
Options to Control the Minimization Process   
specify the convergence criteriaFITCONVERGE=
select the Hessian approximation used for FIMLFITHESSIAN=
specifies the local truncation error bound for the integrationFIT, SOLVE, MODELLTEBOUND=
specify the maximum number of iterations allowedFITMAXITER=
specify the maximum number of subiterations allowedFITMAXSUBITER=
select the iterative minimization method to useFITMETHOD=
specifies the smallest allowed time step to be used in the integrationFIT, SOLVE, MODELMINTIMESTEP=
modify the iterations for estimation methods that iterate the S matrix or the V matrixFITNESTIT
specify the smallest pivot valueMODEL, FIT, SOLVESINGULAR
specify the number of minimization iterations to perform at each grid pointFITSTARTITER=
specify a weight variableWEIGHT 
Options to Read and Write Model Files   
read a model from one or more input model filesINCLUDEMODEL=
suppress the default output of the model fileMODEL, RESETNOSTORE
specify the name of an output model fileMODEL, RESETOUTMODEL=
delete the current modelRESETPURGE
Options to List or Analyze the Structure of the Model   
print a dependency structure of a modelMODELBLOCK
print a graph of the dependency structure of a modelMODELGRAPH
print the model program and variable listsMODELLIST
print the derivative tables and compiled model program codeMODELLISTCODE
print a dependency listMODELLISTDEP
print a table of derivativesMODELLISTDER
print a cross-reference of the variablesMODELXREF
General Printing Control Options   
expand parts of the printed outputFIT, SOLVEDETAILS
print a message for each statement as it is executedFIT, SOLVEFLOW
select the maximum number of execution errors that can be printedFIT, SOLVEMAXERRORS=
select the number of decimal places shown in the printed outputFIT, SOLVENDEC=
suppress the normal printed outputFIT, SOLVENOPRINT
specify all the noniteration printing optionsFIT, SOLVEPRINTALL
print the result of each operation as it is executedFIT, SOLVETRACE
request a comprehensive memory usage summaryFIT, SOLVE, MODEL, RESETMEMORYUSE
turns off the NOPRINT optionRESETPRINT
Statements that Declare Variables   
associate a name with a list of variables and constantsARRAY 
declare a variable to have a fixed valueCONTROL 
declare a variable to be a dependent or endogenous variableENDOGENOUS 
declare a variable to be an independent or exogenous variableEXOGENOUS 
specify identifying variablesID 
assign a label to a variableLABEL 
select additional variables to be outputOUTVARS 
declare a variable to be a parameterPARAMETERS 
force a variable to hold its value from a previous observationRETAIN 
declare a model variableVAR 
declare an instrumental variableINSTRUMENTS 
omit the default intercept term in the instruments listINSTRUMENTSNOINT
General FIT Statement Options   
omit parameters from the estimationFITDROP=
associate a variable with an initial value as a parameter or a constantFITINITIAL=
bypass OLS to get initial parameter estimates for GMM, ITGMM, or FIMLFITNOOLS
bypass 2SLS to get initial parameter estimates for GMM, ITGMM, or FIMLFITNO2SLS
specify the parameters to estimateFITPARMS=
select a grid searchFITSTART=
Options to Control the Estimation Method Used   
specify nonlinear ordinary least squaresFITOLS
specify iterated nonlinear ordinary least squaresFITITOLS
specify seemingly unrelated regressionFITSUR
specify iterated seemingly unrelated regressionFITITSUR
specify two-stage least squaresFIT2SLS
specify iterated two-stage least squaresFITIT2SLS
specify three-stage least squaresFIT3SLS
specify iterated three-stage least squaresFITIT3SLS
specify full information maximum likelihoodFITFIML
select the variance-covariance estimator used for FIMLFITCOVBEST=
specify generalized method of momentsFITGMM
specify the kernel for GMM and ITGMMFITKERNEL=
specify iterated generalized method of momentsFITITGMM
specify the denominator for computing variances and covariancesFITVARDEF=
Solution Mode Options   
select a subset of the model equationsSOLVESATISFY=
solve only for missing variablesSOLVEFORECAST
solve for all solution variablesSOLVESIMULATE
Solution Mode Options: Lag Processing   
use solved values in the lag functionsSOLVEDYNAMIC
use actual values in the lag functionsSOLVESTATIC
produce successive forecasts to a fixed forecast horizonSOLVENAHEAD=
select the observation to start dynamic solutionsSOLVESTART=
Solution Mode Options: Numerical Methods   
specify the maximum number of iterations allowedSOLVEMAXITER=
specify the maximum number of subiterations allowedSOLVEMAXSUBITER=
specify the convergence criteriaSOLVECONVERGE=
compute a simultaneous solution using a Jacobi-like iterationSOLVEJACOBI
compute a simultaneous solution using a Gauss-Seidel-like iterationSOLVESEIDEL
compute a simultaneous solution using Newton's methodSOLVENEWTON
compute a nonsimultaneous solutionSOLVESINGLE
Monte Carlo Simulation Options   
specify psuedo or quasi-random number generatorSOLVEQUASI=
repeat the solution multiple timesSOLVERANDOM=
initialize the pseudo-random number generatorSOLVESEED=
Solution Mode Printing Options   
print between data points integration values for the DERT. variables and the auxiliary variablesFIT, SOLVE, MODELINTGPRINT
print the solution approximation and equation errorsSOLVEITPRINT
print the solution values and residuals at each observationSOLVESOLVEPRINT
print various summary statisticsSOLVESTATS
print tables of Theil inequality coefficientsSOLVETHEIL
specify all printing control optionsSOLVEPRINTALL
General TEST Statement Options   
specify that a Wald test be computedTESTWALD
specify that a Lagrange multiplier test be computedTESTLM
specify that a likelihood ratio test be computedTESTLR
requests all three types of testsTESTALL
specify the name of an output SAS data set that contains the test resultsTESTOUT=
Miscellaneous Statements   
specify the range of observations to be usedRANGE 
subset the data set with by variablesBY 

Chapter Contents
Chapter Contents

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