Chapter Contents


Communications Access Methods for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE Software


Client Tasks

User and Applications Programmer
To prepare for accessing a SAS/SHARE server, perform the following tasks:
  1. Specify the NetBIOS or MNetBIOS access method, as applicable.

  2. Specify a server name.

Specifying the NetBIOS or MNetBIOS Access Method at the Client

You must specify either the NetBIOS or the MNetBIOS access method at the client before you can access a server. Use the following syntax to specify the NetBIOS or the MNetBIOS access method at each connecting client:

OPTIONS COMAMID=access-method-id;

where COMAMID is an acronym for Communications Access Method Identification. access-method-id identifies the method used by the client to communicate with the server. NetBIOS (an abbreviation for Network Basic Input/Output System) is an example of an access-method-id.


options comamid=netbios;

options comamid=mnetbios;

The server is accessed with the access method that you specify.

You may specify the COMAMID option in an OPTIONS statement, at a SAS invocation, or in a SAS configuration file.

Additionally, you may use the COMAUX1 and COMAUX2 options to designate auxiliary communications access methods. See SAS/SHARE: Valid Access Methods Between Hosts for the supported access methods by host. If the first method fails to access a server, the second method is attempted, and so on. You can specify up to two auxiliary access methods, depending on the number of methods that are supported between client and server hosts.

COMAUX options can be specified only at a SAS invocation or in a SAS configuration file. The syntax for the COMAUX option follows:

-COMAUX1 alternate-method
-COMAUX2 alternate-method

An example of configuration file entries for a OS/2 client connecting to a Windows NT server follows:

-comamid netbios
-comaux1 tcp
-comaux2 appc

If the server cannot be reached using the NetBIOS method, a second attempt is made with the TCP/IP access method, and then with the APPC method.

Specifying a Server Name

You must specify the server's identifier in the PROC OPERATE and LIBNAME statements as follows:




Follow standard SAS naming rules when defining a server name. See SAS Language Reference: Dictionary for details about SAS naming rules. See SAS/SHARE User's Guide for details about the PROC OPERATE and LIBNAME statements.

Client Example

The following example illustrates the statements that you specify in an OS/2 client configuration file that are used to access a server with the NetBIOS access method:

-set vqmlinks 1
-set vqadaptr 0

See SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE Options for details about these options.

The following example shows the statements that are specified in an OS/2 client session:

options comamid=netbios;
libname sasdata 'c:edc\prog2\sasdata' server=share1;

The NetBIOS access method is declared, and the LIBNAME statement specifies the data library that is accessed through the server SHARE1.

Server Tasks

Server Administrator
To make a server accessible to a client, perform the following tasks:
  1. Specify the NetBIOS or MNetBIOS access method, as applicable.

  2. Specify the server name.

Specifying the NetBIOS and MNetBIOS Access Method at the Server

You must specify the NetBIOS or MNetBIOS access method at the server before you create a SAS/SHARE server. Use the following syntax:

OPTIONS COMAMID=access-method-id;

where COMAMID is an acronym for Communications Access Method Identification. access-method-id identifies the method used by the server to communicate with the client.

For IBM NetBIOS 3.0 Interface
use NETBIOS (an acronym for Network Basic Input/Output System) for access-method-id.

For LAN Manager 1.0 Submit Interface
use MNETBIOS (an acronym for Microsoft Network Basic Input/Output System) for access-method-id.

For a server that is running on a host on which only one communications access method is available, use only the COMAMID option.


options comamid=netbios;

options comamid=mnetbios;

The server will be available only to SAS/SHARE sessions that use the NetBIOS or MNetBIOS access method.

You may specify the COMAMID option in an OPTIONS statement, at a SAS invocation, or in a SAS configuration file.

However, if the host on which a server is running supports multiple access methods, you may specify up to two auxiliary access methods by which clients may access the server. See SAS/SHARE: Valid Access Methods Between Hosts for the supported access methods by host.

All of the access methods initialize when the server initializes. The activation of multiple access methods makes a server available to several groups of clients, each using a different communications access method simultaneously.

COMAUX options can be specified only at a SAS invocation or in a SAS configuration file. The syntax for the COMAUX option follows:

-COMAUX1 alternate-method
-COMAUX2 alternate-method

An example of configuration file entries for a server that is running on an OS/2 host follows:

-comamid netbios
-comaux1 tcp
-comaux2 appc

When the server starts, all of the communications access methods are initialized. The server is simultaneously available to client sessions that use the NetBIOS access method as well as to clients that use the TCP/IP and APPC access methods.

Specifying a Server Name

Specify the server's identifier in the PROC SERVER statement as follows:




Follow standard SAS naming rules when defining a server name. See SAS Language Reference: Dictionary for details about SAS naming rules. See SAS/SHARE User's Guide for details about the PROC SERVER statement.

Server Example

The following example illustrates the statements that you specify in a configuration file on the OS/2 host at which you start a server:

-set vqmlinks 1
-set vqadaptr 0

See SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE Options for details about these options.

Specify the following statements in a SAS session on the OS/2 remote host to start a server:

options comamid=netbios;
proc server id=share1;

The NetBIOS access method is declared for the server SHARE1 that is started on the OS/2 remote host.

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