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Communications Access Methods for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE Software |
System and Software Requirements for SAS/CONNECT |
Using the TELNET access method, you can connect to any supported platform that is on the TCP/IP network and is running a SAS release that has the corresponding access method support with SAS/CONNECT properly licensed. Verify the following:
In those cases where your local host has a SAS supported TCP/IP package but your remote host does not, you can use TELNET to establish a connection.
See System and Software Requirements for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE for a list of the supported TCP/IP packages for your local host.
If you have a choice of whether to use TCP/IP or TELNET, you are encouraged to use TCP/IP. TELNET support is provided primarily for sites in which the local host has a SAS supported installed TCP/IP package but the remote host does not.
Local Host Tasks |
Configuring Local and Remote Host Names and Internet Addresses |
You must specify the names and Internet addresses of the local and remote hosts in the HOSTS file or through the name server. A server program supplies name-to-address translation, mapping from domain names to IP addresses. The server processor often runs on a dedicated processor, and the host itself is referred to as the name server.
The format for a HOSTS file entry follows:
Internet-address host-name optional-alias
Example: monarch local omega remote
Specifying the TELNET Communications Access Method |
To specify the TELNET access method when making a remote host connection, use the following syntax:
OPTIONS COMAMID=access-method-id;
where COMAMID is an acronym for Communications Access Method Identification.
TELNET is a terminal application interface written to use the TCP/IP protocol.
options comamid=telnet;
Alternatively, you may specify this option in a SAS command or in a SAS configuration file.
Specifying the Remote Node Name |
To make a TELNET connection to a remote host, specify the SAS option in the following form:
Use the node name of the remote host.
The value of the REMOTE option must be a valid SAS name. See SAS Language Reference: Dictionary for details on SAS naming rules.
options remote=monarch;
Alternatively, you may specify this option at a SAS invocation or in a SAS configuration file.
If you use an Internet address (or some other invalid SAS name), you must assign the address to a macro variable and specify the macro variable for the REMOTE value. Here is an example:
%let node=internet-address; options remote=node;
Do not choose a macro variable name that is also a valid host name on your network. SAS first attempts to reach a network host with the value of the REMOTE= option (in the following example, MYNODE).
%let mynode=; options remote=mynode;
Identifying a Script File for Signing On and Signing Off |
To use one of the sample script files that is supplied with SAS/CONNECT for signing on and signing off, assign the RLINK fileref to the appropriate script file, depending on which remote host you are connecting to. The sample script files are installed in SAS$ROOT:[TOOLS]. The fileref format follows:
where script-name identifies the script file that corresponds to the remote host that you wish to connect to.
The following table lists the scripts that are supplied by SAS Institute:
Remote Host | Script Name |
CMS (using full-screen 3270 TELNET protocol) | TCPCMS32.SCR |
TSO under OS/390 | TELTSO.SCR |
OS/390 (using full-screen 3270 TELNET protocol) | TCPTSO32.SCR |
You must customize the automatic logon sample scripts to accurately reflect your site's configuration. Failure to do so will produce errors. (Your SAS Software Representative may have altered these scripts as needed.) If someone has altered an automatic logon sample script for users at your installation, you need to load a copy of the modified file on to your local host.
filename rlink 'sas$root:[tools]telcms.scr';
Note: The COMAMID option value in the sign-on script must be set to RASYNC.
Signing On to the Remote Host |
To complete your sign on to the remote host, enter the SIGNON statement, as follows:
Local Host Example |
The following example illustrates the statements that you specify in an OpenVMS local host SAS session to connect to a remote host with the TELNET access method.
filename rlink '!sasroot:[tools]telcms.scr'; options comamid=telnet remote=rmtnode; signon;
The first line identifies the script file that you use to sign on to
a CMS remote host. The TELNET communications access method is declared with
a connection to the remote host RMTNODE. The SIGNON statement performs the
sign-on process.
You do not perform any tasks at the OpenVMS remote host for the TELNET access method.
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Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.