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SAS Companion for the CMS Environment |
aggregate file | an external file that is viewed by SAS as having multiple independent members. Under CMS, aggregate files can be CMS MACLIBs, SFS directories, or CMS minidisks. |
autoexec file | a file containing SAS statements that are executed automatically when the SAS System is invoked. The autoexec file is usually used to specify SAS system options and to assign librefs and filerefs that are commonly used. |
BASE | an alternate name for the V8 engine. See also the entry for V8. |
batch mode | a CMS mode of running jobs in which all processing is done on a CMS batch machine or disconnected virtual machine. The SAS method of running programs may be either noninteractive or interactive line mode. |
BMDP | this engine provides read-only access to BMDP files. |
buffer | a temporary storage area reserved for holding data after they are read or before they are written. |
CALL routine | (1) a program that can be called in the DATA step of a SAS program by issuing a CALL statement. (2) an alternate form of one of the SAS random number functions that allows more control over the seed stream and random number stream. |
carriage-control character | a specific symbol that tells the printer how many lines to advance the paper, when to begin a new page, when to skip a line, and when to hold the current line for overprint. |
catalog | See the entry for SAS catalog. |
catalog entry | See the entry for entry type. |
CMS file system | a way to create files in the CMS system. CMS files are created by using an identifier consisting of three fields: filename, filetype, and filemode or SFS directory. These files are unique to the CMS system and cannot be read or written using other operating environments. |
concatenated libraries | an ordered set of libraries specified in place of a single library in a SAS statement or option, such as LIBNAME. |
configuration file | an external file containing SAS system options. The options in the file are put into effect when the SAS System is invoked. |
Control Program (CP) | a component of VM that manages resources of a single computer so multiple computing systems appear to exist. Each virtual machine is the functional equivalent of an IBM System/370. |
Conversational Monitor System (CMS) | a virtual machine operating environment and component of VM that provides general interactive time sharing, problem solving, program development capabilities, and operates only under the control of the VM Control Program (CP). |
converting SAS files | the process of changing the format of a SAS file from the format appropriate to one version of the SAS System to the format appropriate to another version running under the same operating environment. |
descriptor portion | the descriptive information the SAS System creates and maintains about each SAS data set. It includes such information as the names of all the data set variables, the attributes of all the variables, the number of observations in the data set, and the time and date when the data set was created. |
dialog box | a feature of the PMENU facility that appears in response to an action, usually selecting a menu item. The purpose of dialog boxes is to obtain information, which you supply by filling in a field or choosing a selection from a group of fields. You can execute the CANCEL command to exit the dialog box. |
discontiguous saved segment | one or more 64K segments of storage that were previously loaded, saved, and assigned a unique name. The segment(s) can be shared among virtual machines if the segment(s) contain reentrant code. |
disk | a device for data storage that enables direct access to any record. Disk storage differs from tape storage, which enables only sequential processing of records. |
display manager | See the entry for SAS Display Manager System. |
dummy variable | (1) a variable used as a placeholder; dummy variables usually do not have meaningful values. (2) in some statistical applications, a numeric variable whose value is limited to 1 or 0. |
engine | a part of SAS that reads from or writes to a file. Each engine allows SAS to access files with a particular format. |
entry type | a part of the name for an entry in a SAS catalog that is assigned by the SAS System to identify what type of information is stored in the entry. For example, HELP is the entry type for an entry containing help information for applications developed with the BUILD procedure in SAS/AF software. |
EXEC | a CMS file containing CMS and CP commands and other statements. You execute all of the commands in the EXEC file by issuing one EXEC command, which is the filename of the EXEC file, or implied EXEC command. An EXEC file is a convenient way to store sequences of commands that you use frequently because you need to issue only one command to execute all the commands stored in the file. |
EXEC procedure | (1) a procedure defined by a frequently used sequence of CMS and CP commands to do a commonly required function. A user creates the procedure to save repetitious rekeying of the sequence, and invokes the entire procedure by entering a command (that is, the EXEC file's filename). The procedure could consist of a long sequence of CMS and CP commands, along with REXX, EXEC 2, or CMS EXEC control statements to control processing within the procedure. (2) a CMS file with a filetype of EXEC. |
external file | a file created and maintained on the host operating environment from which you can read data or stored SAS programming statements or to which you can write procedure output or output created by PUT statements in a DATA step. |
file access mode | a filemode number that designates whether the file can be used as a read-only or read/write file by a user. See also the entry for filemode. |
file ID | a CMS file identifier that consists of a filename, filetype, and filemode. The file ID is associated with a particular file when the file is created, defined, or renamed under CMS. See also the entries for filename, filetype, and filemode. |
filemode | a two-character CMS file identifier field comprised of the filemode letter (A through Z) followed by the filemode number (0 through 6). The filemode letter indicates the minidisk of SFS directory on which the file resides. The filemode number indicates the access mode of the file. See also the entry for file access mode. |
filename | a one-to-eight character alphanumeric field, comprised of A through Z, 0 through 9, and special characters $ # @ + - (hyphen) : (colon) _ (underscore), that is part of the CMS file identifier and serves to identify the file for the user. |
filetype | a one-to-eight character alphanumeric field, comprised of A through Z, 0 through 9, and special characters $ # @ + - (hyphen) : (colon) \_ (underscore), that is used as a descriptor or as a qualifier of the filename field in the CMS file identifier. |
fileref | the name used to identify an external file to the SAS System. You assign a fileref with a FILENAME statement or with operating environment control language. |
immediate command | a type of CMS command that, when entered after an attention interruption, causes program execution, tracing, or terminal display to stop. Another immediate command can be entered to resume tracing or terminal display. They are called immediate commands because they are executed as soon as they are entered; they are not stacked in the console stack. |
index | a feature of a SAS data set that enables the SAS System to access observations in the SAS data set quickly and efficiently. The purpose of SAS indexes is to optimize WHERE-clause processing and facilitate BY-group processing. |
interactive line-mode | a method of running SAS programs without using the SAS Display Manager System. You enter one line of a SAS program at a time. The SAS System processes each line immediately after you enter it. |
interface engine | an engine that reads and writes file formats supported by database management system products. |
libref (first-level name) | the name temporarily associated with a SAS data library. You assign a libref with a LIBNAME statement or with operating environment control language. The libref is the first-level name of a two-level name. For example, A is the libref in the two-level name A.B. The default libref is WORK unless the USER libref is defined. See also the entry for USER library. |
MACLIB library | a library that contains macros, copy files, or source program statements for use under CMS. |
member | (1) a file in a SAS data library. (2) a single file in a CMS LOADLIB, MACLIB, or TXTLIB. |
member name | (1) the name of a file in a SAS data library. When you reference a file with a two-level name, such as A.B, the member name is the second part of the name (the libref is the first part). (2) the name of a single file in a CMS LOADLIB, MACLIB, or TXTLIB. |
member type | the classification of a file in a SAS data library that is assigned by the SAS System to identify what type of information is stored in the file. For example, CATALOG is the member type for catalogs. |
minidisk | a logical subdivision (or all) of a physical disk pack that has its own virtual device address, consecutive virtual cylinders (starting with virtual cylinder 0), and a VTOC or disk label identifier. Each user virtual disk is preallocated and defined by a VM directory entry as belonging to a user. |
Multiple Engine Architecture (MEA) | a feature of the SAS System that enables it to access a variety of file formats through sets of instructions called engines. See also the entry for engine. |
native SAS engine | an engine that accesses forms of SAS files created and processed only by the SAS System. |
noninteractive processing | a method of running SAS programs in which you prepare a file of SAS statements and submit the program to the computer system. The program runs immediately and occupies your current terminal session. Noninteractive mode is also available on a CMS batch machine. |
OSIRIS | this engine provides read-only access to OSIRIS files. |
page size | (1) the size of the page of printed output. (2) the number of bytes of data that the SAS System moves between external storage and memory in one input/output operation. |
permanent SAS data library | a library that is not deleted when the SAS session terminates; it is available for subsequent SAS sessions. Unless the USER libref is defined, you use a two-level name to access a file in a permanent library. The first-level name is the libref, and the second-level name is the member name. |
physical filename | the name the operating environment uses to identify a file. |
PMENU facility | a menu system that is used instead of the command line as a way to execute commands. |
portable | a computer application or SAS language element that can execute in more than one operating environment. |
print file | an external file containing carriage-control (printer-control) information. |
pull-down menu | the list of choices that appears when you choose an item from an action bar or from another pull-down menu in the PMENU facility. The choices in the list are called items. |
random access | the ability to retrieve records in a file without reading previous records. |
requestor window | a window that the SAS System displays so that you can confirm, cancel, or modify an action. |
return code | a code passed to the operating environment that indicates whether the execution of a command or job step completed successfully. |
SAS catalog | a SAS file that stores many different kinds of information in smaller units called entries. Some catalog entries contain system information such as key definitions. Other catalog entries contain application information such as window definitions, help windows, formats, informats, macros, or graphics output. |
SAS command | a command that invokes the SAS System. Under CMS, this command invokes an EXEC supplied by SAS Institute. |
SAS data file | a SAS data set that stores descriptor information and observations in the same location. |
SAS data library | a collection of one or more SAS files that are recognized by the SAS System. Each file is a member of the library. |
SAS data set | descriptor information and its related data values organized as a table of observations and variables that can be processed by the SAS System. A SAS data set can be either a SAS data file or a SAS data view. |
SAS data view | a SAS data set in which the descriptor portion and the observations are stored in separate locations. SAS data views store the information required to retrieve data values that are stored in other files. |
SAS Display Manager System | a windowing environment in which actions are performed with a series of commands or function keys. Within one session, multiple tasks can be accomplished. It can be used to prepare, edit, and submit programs and then review the results in various windows. You can then debug and resubmit your program if necessary. |
SAS file | a specially structured file that is created, organized, and, optionally, maintained by the SAS System. A SAS file can be a SAS data set, a catalog, a stored program, or an access descriptor. |
SAS invocation | the process of initializing a SAS session. |
SAS log | a file that can contain the SAS statements you enter and messages about the execution of your program. |
SAS procedure output file | a file that contains the result of the analysis or the report produced. Procedures write output to the procedure output file by default. DATA step reports that contain the FILE statement with the PRINT destination also go to this file. |
SAS system option | an option that affects the appearance of SAS output, the handling of some of the files used by the SAS System, the use of system variables, the processing of observations in SAS data sets, the features of SAS System initialization, the SAS System's interface with your computer hardware, and the SAS System's interface with the operating environment. |
SASV8SYS CONFIG | a file on the SAS System disk that determines the default settings for all SAS system options. |
sequential access | a method of file access in which the records are read or written one after the other. |
shared file system | a part of CMS that lets users organize their files into groups known as directories and to selectively share those files and directories with other users. |
site number | the number used by SAS Institute to identify the site to which the SAS System is licensed. The site number appears near the top of the log in every SAS session. |
SPSS | this engine provides read-only access to SPSS files. |
TAPE | an alternate name for the V8SEQ engine. See also the entry for V8SEQ. |
temporary SAS data library | a library that exists only for the current SAS session or job. The most common temporary library is the WORK library. |
USER library | a SAS data library defined with the libref USER. When the libref USER is defined, the SAS System uses it as the default libref for one-level names. |
V5 | the Version 5 compatibility engine. This engine accesses Version 5 SAS data sets on disk. An alternate name for this engine is V5SEQ. |
V5SEQ | an alternate name for the V5 engine. See also the entry for V5. |
V6 | this engine access SAS files in Version 6 disk format. Alternate names include V612, V611, V610, V609, V608, and V607. |
V607 | an alternate name for the V6 engine that accesses SAS files in Version 6 disk format. |
V608 | an alternate name for the V6 engine that accesses SAS files in Version 6 disk format. |
V609 | an alternate name for the V6 engine that accesses SAS files in Version 6 disk format. |
V610 | an alternate name for the V6 engine that accesses SAS files in Version 6 disk format. |
V611 | an alternate name for the V6 engine that accesses SAS files in Version 6 disk format. |
V612 | an alternate name for the V6 engine that accesses SAS files in Version 6 disk format. |
V6SEQ | this engine accesses SAS files in Version 6 sequential file format. The sequential format files can be stored on tape or on disk. |
V7 | this engine access SAS files in Version 7 disk format. |
V7SEQ | this engine access SAS files in Version 7 sequential format, on tape or on disk. You can also use the alias V7TAPE to specify this engine. |
V8 | this engine access SAS files in Version 8 disk format. You can also use the alias BASE to specify this engine. |
WORK data library | the temporary SAS data library automatically defined by the SAS System at the beginning of each SAS session or job to store temporary files. When the libref USER is not defined, the SAS System uses WORK as the default library for one-level names. |
XPORT | the transport engine. This engine accesses SAS files in transport format. |
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Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.