Override for the _getData method of the Table Data Model.
   /*  This is a method override for the _getData method of the Table
    *    Data Model, which provides the table editor with contents of the
    *    data to be displayed. Parameters passed to this method:
    *        'gddvecid'  - Use instance of the GET_DATA data vector class.
    *                      The data vector is filled in with the contents
    *                      of the requested row.
    *                      data vector for 'num_cols'.
    *        'num_cols'  - The number of columns to retrieve from the
    *                      requested row. */
GETDATA: method gddvecid num_cols 8;

      /*  Retrieve the value of the instance variable DATABASE
       *    which contains the information for this multi-dimensional example.
       *    From the DATABASE list, retrieve the ROWS sublist which
       *    contains the information about the rows.  Within the ROWS
       *    list, the rows are stored in order starting at the beginning
       *    of the list.  For example, the first row, 1998, in the
       *    ROWS list is the first row to display in the table editor.*/
   database = getniteml( _self_, 'DATABASE' );
   rowlst = getniteml( database, 'ROWS' );

      /*  Use the _getRow method of the GET_DATA Data Vector to retrieve
       *     which row is currently being requested by the table editor for
       *     display. */
    coords = makelist();
    call send( gddvecid, '_getRow', coords );

      /* Get the top-level row dimension from the COORDS list */
   rownum = getitemn( coords, 1 );

      /* Get the second-level row dimension from the COORDS list */
   subrownum = getitemn( coords, 2 );

      /* The COORDS list is no longer needed. Delete the COORDS list. */
   coords = dellist( coords );

      /*  Using the top-level row dimension(ROWNUM), retrieve the
       *     top-level dimension list from ROWS.  Then using the
       *     second-level row dimension(SUBROWNUM), get the second-level
       *     list from the top-level list.  For example, if
       *     ROWNUM is 1, then the sublist 1998 would be retrieved
       *     from the ROWS list.  If SUBROWNUM is 3, then the sublist
       *     'Quarter 3' would be retrieved. */
   rowlst = getiteml( rowlst, rownum );
   rowlst = getiteml( rowlst, subrownum );

      /*  From the second-level list retrieve the value for each of the
       *    passed columns.  For each requested column:
       *       (1)  Get the column coordinates
       *       (2)  Get the column text
       *       (3)  Set the text in gddvecid */
   colcoords = makelist();
   do i = 1 to num_cols;

         /*  Each time through the loop, we need to set the index for the
          *    the current column in gddvecid.  Then get the column
          *    coordinates for that column. */
      call send( gddvecid, '_setIndex', i );
      call send( gddvecid, '_getColumn', colcoords );

         /*  Get the top-level and second-level column dimensions from the
          *    COLCOORDS list. */
      colnum = getitemn( colcoords, 1 );
      subcolnum = getitemn( colcoords, 2 );

         /* Calculate where to retrieve the data */
      colnum = colnum * 2 - mod( subcolnum, 2 );

         /* Retrieve the data and convert it to a character string. */
      text = trim(left(put(getitemn(rowlst, colnum), 12. )));

         /* Set the data in gddvecid */
      call send ( gddvecid, '_setText', text );

      /* The COLCOORDS list is no longer needed. Delete the COLCOORDS list. */
   colcoords = dellist( colcoords );