Override the _getRowDimInfo method of the Table Data Model.
   /*  This is a method override for the _getRowDimInfo method
    *    of the Table Data Model, which provides the table editor with
    *    the row dimension hierarchy information.  Parameters passed
    *    to this method:
    *        'level'    - specifies the address of the row dimension being
    *                     requested.
    *        'num_rows' - returns the number of rows that are present at
    *                     the requested dimension.
    *        'sub_rows' - returns whether the requested dimension has any
    *                     subdimensions.
    *        'height'   - not used in this example.
    *        'units'    - not used in this example.
    *        'groups'   - not used in this example.
    *        'eod'      - not used in this example. */
GETRDIM: method level num_rows sub_rows width 8 units $ 4 groups 8 eod $ 1;

      /*  Determine the row level being requested and indicate:
       *     (1) How many rows (num_rows) the table has in this
       *         dimension.
       *     (2) Whether this dimension has subdimensions (sub_rows) */
   len = listlen (level);
      /*  At the top level dimension, there are 2 rows and each row
       *     has subdimensions. */
   if ( ^len ) then
      num_rows = 2;
      sub_rows = 1;
      /*  At the second-level dimension, there are 4 rows and with no
       *     subdimensions. */
      num_rows = 4;
      sub_rows = 0;