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SAS/ACCESS Software for Relational Databases: Reference

DBLOAD Procedure: Oracle Rdb Specifics

The following section describes the DBMS-specific statements that you use in the SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle Rdb.

DBLOAD Procedure Statements for Oracle Rdb

To create and load an Oracle Rdb table, you use the DBMS=RDB option and one optional database description statement in the PROC DBLOAD step, DATABASE=. The database description statement supplies database-specific information to the SAS System.

The syntax for statements that you use to create and load an Oracle Rdb table is provided below. For complete descriptions of these statements and their uses, see .

Note:   Unlike other SAS/ACCESS products, the SAS/ACCESS interface to Oracle Rdb does not use the following procedure statements: USER= and PASSWORD=.  [cautionend]

The SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle Rdb uses the following statements in interactive line, noninteractive, or batch mode.

PROC DBLOAD <DBMS=RDB> <DATA=<libref.>SAS-data-set> <APPEND>;
DATABASE= <'>Oracle-Rdb-pathname<'>;
DELETE variable-identifier-1<...variable-identifier-n>;
LIST <list-selection>;
NULLS variable-identifier-1=Y|N<...variable-identifier-n=Y|N>;
RENAME variable-identifier-1=<'>column-name-1<'>
<...variable-identifier-n =<'>column-name-n<'>>;
RESET ALL|variable-identifier-1<...variable-identifier-n>;
SQL Oracle-Rdb SQL-statement;
TYPE variable-identifier-1 = <'>column-type-1'
WHERE SAS-where-expression;


indicates the name and physical location of the Oracle Rdb database where you want to create the new table. The name can be the operating-system-specific pathname or an OpenVMS logical name that points to the fully qualified Oracle Rdb database name. The .RDB extension is optional. If you specify a database, it must exist. If you do not know the names of your databases, contact your database administrator.

If you are accessing a remote database, you can specify the OpenVMS node name as part of the OpenVMS pathname of the database:

DATABASE=<'><OpenVMS-net-node::> OpenVMS-pathname<'>;

If DATABASE= is not specified, the default action is to use the value of the OpenVMS logical name SQL$DATABASE. For more information about SQL$DATABASE, see your Oracle Rdb documentation.

Note:   Double quotation marks cannot be used with this option.  [cautionend]

The following example creates a new Oracle Rdb table, EXCHANGE, from the DLIB.RATEOFEX data file. An access descriptor ADLIB.EXCHANGE is also created, based on the new table. You must be granted the appropriate privileges to create new Oracle Rdb tables or views. This example also uses a DATABASE= statement for a remote database called TEXTILE on the OpenVMS node ATLANTA.

Note:   The DLIB.RATEOFEX data set is included in the sample data that is shipped with your software.  [cautionend]

proc dbload dbms=rdb data=dlib.rateofex;
   rename fgnindol=fgnindoll 4=dollarsfgn;
   nulls updated=n fgnindoll=n 4=n country=n;

Note:   Rdb has a 30-character limit on its database column names. Therefore, when you load a SAS data set into Rdb, be sure SAS variable names are no longer than 30 characters.  [cautionend]

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