Veronica Grant

Project Manager

Veronica Grant is the Project Manager for Prefab Mass Timber for Renewable Cities at SFU’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue.

about Veronica Grant

Veronica supports the delivery of the mass timber mid-rise local solutions engagement project at Renewable Cities. This includes engagement with elected officials and advisory design panels and facilitating the development of sample Development Permit Area design guidelines for municipalities.

Veronica brings her experience in urban planning and project coordination and her passion for sustainable, inclusive and equitable urban development. Before joining Renewable Cities, Veronica supported UBC Health to further collaborative health education and research to address pressing health challenges and to improve health systems. Previous to that, she was a planning consultant in Melbourne, Australia, working with interdisciplinary teams to obtain development approvals for residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments.

Veronica holds a Master of Urban Planning from RMIT University in Melbourne and a Bachelor of Design (Architecture) from the University of Newcastle, Australia.