Control of University Motor Vehicles, Vessels and Aircraft


July 5, 1971

Revision Date

March 21, 2019


AD 1.14

Version No.


Policy Authority: Vice President, Finance and Administration

Associated Guidelines: Vehicle Use and Insurance Guide

1.0       PURPOSE

1.1       This Policy aims to promote the safety of the campus community, its members and the public; ensure that appropriate measures are in to place to provide relevant and current information and guidance to its community regarding the safe and appropriate use of University motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft.

1.2       The Policy aims to ensure that Simon Fraser University complies with applicable federal, provincial and/or municipal regulation of motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft.


2.1       This policy applies to all motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft owned, leased, borrowed or rented, and operated by employees for official purposes of the University.


3.1       University motor vehicle includes any self propelled motor vehicle owned, leased, borrowed or rented, and operated by a university employee for official purposes of the University, whether casual, short, long term or continuing use.

3.2       University vessel includes boats, canoes, kayaks or other craft capable of being used for navigation on water.

3.3       University aircraft includes any vehicle, with or without an engine, capable of flight while carrying a person such as a plane, helicopter, balloon or glider and includes unmanned aerial vehicles.

4.0       POLICY

4.1       Direct responsibility for the licensing and insurance of University owned or leased motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft shall rest with Safety and Risk Services.

4.2       Direct responsibility for the care and control of University motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft shall rest with the user department.

4.3       The use of University motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft shall be restricted to University business only.

4.4       No person shall operate a University motor vehicle, vessel or aircraft unless he or she has a current driver's or operator’s license of the proper class, and skills to operate that vehicle, vessel or aircraft.

4.5       Vehicles, vessels and aircraft shall be kept in good mechanical condition and shall be inspected for safety at regular intervals.

4.6       Operators of University motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft must comply with applicable legislative requirements.

4.7       No person shall operate a University motor vehicle, vessel or aircraft while impaired.

4.8       No person shall smoke or vape tobacco products or cannabis in a University motor vehicle, vessel or aircraft.

5.0       REPORTING

5.1       The Chief Safety Officer will file an annual summary report to the Vice President, Finance and Administration each April reporting activity under the Policy and any policy violations filed.


6.1       The legal and other University policy authorities and agreements that may bear on the administration of this policy and may be consulted as needed include but are not limited to:

 6.1.1    Motor Vehicle Act and Regulations;

 6.1.2    Criminal Code of Canada;

 6.1.3    Canada Shipping Act;

 6.1.4    Small Vessel Regulations;

 6.1.5    Aeronautics Act;

 6.1.6    Canada Transportation Act; and,

 6.1.7    Canadian Aviation Regulations.


7.1       The information and records made, stored and received to administer this policy are subject to the access to information and protection of privacy provisions of British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the University’s Information Policy series. To the extent possible, the information and records will be treated in a confidential manner, in compliance with the Act and with applicable University policies.


8.1       This policy is subject to review at least once every three years.

9.0       AUTHORITY

9.1       This policy is administered under the authority of the Vice President, Finance and Administration.


10.1     Questions of interpretation and application of this policy or its procedures shall be referred to the Vice President, Finance and Administration.


11.1     Safety and Risk Services produces a Vehicle Use and Insurance Guide which provides specific guidance on insurance, licensing, motor vehicle and vessel use, including actions to be taken in event of an accident involving University motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft.