Community Consultation: Named Recognition of Buildings, Academic Endowments and Academic Units Policy (GP 35) Review

Dear University Community,

Policy GP 35 “Named Recognition of Buildings, Academic Endowments and Academic Units,” under the authority of the VP Advancement and Alumni Engagement (VPAAE) establishes guidelines for the naming of university assets and other entities such as academic chairs or academic units in recognition of significant contributions from donors. This policy ensures that naming opportunities honor the intentions of donors while aligning with the university's values, mission, and strategic goals.

Amendments are being proposed to GP 35 to reflect best practices in managing named recognition. The changes include the following:

  1. addition of the named recognition and gifts of names from the Host Nations;
  2. additional information on the honourific naming;
  3. clarification on the permanent and temporary (termed) named recognition, inventory management and the timing of the recognition;
  4. addition of the revocation criteria, restrictions and alignment with the BC Government Naming Privileges Policy;
  5. changing policy’s name to “Named Recognition Policy” to remove limitation just to buildings and also cover a variety of physical assets; and
  6. a general review of the document, aligning with the current operating model and adding a mandatory review milestone in the future

Draft of GP35 Policy included here (PDF)

Draft of GP35 Appendix A included here (PDF)

We invite you to review the amendments to GP 03. Please send your feedback and questions to by October 25, 2024.

Thank you for your participation.

Input provided is collected under the authority of the University Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165), and SFU Policy on University Policies and Procedures (B 10.00). This information is collected for the purpose of engaging in community consultation, which may result in recommended changes to a policy. If you have any queries about the collection of this information, please contact