Publications of D. J. Huntley (revised January 9, 2012)
119. J.Ollerhead and D.J.Huntley. Optical dating of young feldspars: the zeroing question. Ancient TL 29, 59-63, 2011.
(pdf file)
118. D.J.Huntley. Comment on “Isochron dating of sediments using luminescence of K-feldspar grains” by B. Li, S.-H. Li, A.G. Wintle and H. Zhao,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 113, F02026, doi:10.1029/2007JF000900, 2008. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface116, F01012, doi:10.1029/2010JF001856, 2011.
117. D.J.Huntley. Comment on “Isochron measurements of naturally irradiated K-feldspar grains” by B. Li, S.-H. Li, A.G. Wintle and H. Zhao. Radiation Measurements 42, 1315-1327, 2007. Radiation Measurements 46. 166-167, 2011.
116. S.A.Wolfe, I.J.Walker and D.J.Huntley. Holocene coastal reconstruction, Naikoon peninsula, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.
Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2008-12, 16 p. (pdf file)
115. S Haidar and D.J.Huntley. Phosphorescence spectra from alkali feldspars as they are cooled. Ancient TL 25, 49-52, 2007. (pdf file)
114. S.A.Wolfe, C.H.Hugenholtz, C.P.Evans, D.J.Huntley and J.Ollerhead. Potential aboriginal-occupation-induced dune activity, Elbow Sand Hills, northern Great Plains, Canada. Great Plains Research 17, 173-192, 2007. (pdf abstract)
113. D.J.Huntley, M R Baril and S Haidar Tunnelling in plagioclase feldspars. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 40, 900-906, 2007. (pdf abstract)
112. S.A.Wolfe, D.J.Huntley and J.Ollerhead. Relict late Wisconsinan dune fields of the northern Great Plains, Canada. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 58, no.2-3, 323-336, 2004 (accepted Jan 13, 2006, published July 2006). (pdf abstract)
111. M..J. Sheard, M.J.Lintern, J.R.Prescott and D.J.Huntley. Great Victoria Desert: new dates for South Australia's ?oldest desert dune system. Government of South Australia MESA Journal 41, 15-26, 2006. (6 Mb pdf file)
110. D.J.Huntley. An explanation of the power-law decay of luminescence. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, 1359-1365, 2006. (rtf abstract)
109. S.A.Wolfe, J.Ollerhead, D.J.Huntley and O.B.Lian. Holocene dune activity and environmental change in the prairie parkland and boreal forest regions of central Saskatchewan, Canada. The Holocene 16, 17-29, 2005. (pdf file)
108. D.J.Huntley and O.B.Lian. Some observations on tunnelling of trapped electrons in feldspars and their implications for optical dating. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 2503-2512, 2006. In the special issue honouring Professor J.R.Prescott's 80th birthday. (pdf file)
107. N.K.Meisl and D.J.Huntley. Anomalous fading parameters and activation energies of feldspars. Ancient TL 23, 1-7, 2005. (pdf file)
106. D.J.Huntley. Comment on "Late Quaternary stratigraphy and geochronology of the western Killpecker Dunes, Wyoming, USA," by J.H.Mayer and S.A.Mahan, 2004. Quarternary Research 61, 72-84. Quaternary Research 62, 110, 2004.
105. A.M.J.Hamel and D.J.Huntley. A method for quickly estimating the equivalent dose in optical dating of K-feldspar. Ancient TL 21, 93-95, 2003. (pdf file)
104. M.R.Baril and D.J.Huntley.Optical excitation spectra of trapped electrons in irradiated feldspars. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, 8011-8027, 2003. (html abstract).
103. M.R.Baril and D.J.Huntley. Infrared stimulated luminescence and phosphorescence spectra of irradiated feldspars. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, 8029-8048, 2003. (html abstract).
102. S.A.Wolfe, D.J.Huntley and J.Ollerhead. Optical dating of modern and late Holocene dune sands in the Brandon Sand Hills, southwestern Manitoba. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire, 56, 203-214, 2002. (html abstract)
101. O.B.Lian, D.J.Huntley and S.A.Wolfe. Optical dating of eolian dune sand from the Canadian prairies. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire, 56, 191-202, 2002. (html abstract)
100. D.J. Huntley and M. Baril. Yet another note on laboratory lighting. Ancient TL 20, No.2, 39-40, 2002. (pdf file)
99. S.A. Wolfe, J. Ollerhead, D.J. Huntley and C. Campbell. Late Holocene dune activity in the Duchess dune field, Alberta, Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2002-B3, 8p. (html abstract), (pdf file)
98. D.J.Huntley and R.G.V. Hancock. The Rb contents of the K-feldspar grains being measured in optical dating. Ancient TL 19, No 2, 43-46, 2001. (pdf file)
97. D.J.Huntley. Comment on Luminescence Dating of Coastal Sands: Overcoming Changes in Environmental Dose Rate by J. C. Vogel, A. G. Wintle and S. M. Woodborne, Journal of Archaeological Science 26, 729-733, 1999. Journal of Archaeological Science, 29, 559-560, 2002.
96. J. Ollerhead, D.J. Huntley, A. R. Nelson, and H. M. Kelsey. Optical dating of tsunami-laid sand from an Oregon coastal lake. Quaternary Science Reviews 20, 1915-1926, 2001. (html abstract)
95. D.J.Huntley. Comment on the ages in "Paleoseismology of the Johnson Valley, Kickapoo, and Homestead Valley Faults: Clustering of Earthquakes in the Eastern California Shear Zone" by T.K. Rockwell, S. Lindvall, M. Herzberg, D. Murbach, T. Dawson and G. Berger, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 90, 1200-1236, 2000. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 91, 632-633, 2001.
94. D.J.Huntley and M. Lamothe. Ubiquity of anomalous fading in K-feldspars and the measurement and correction for it in optical dating. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 38, 1093-1106, 2001. (html abstract)
93. D.J.Huntley. Comment on Clarke, Rendell and Wintle (1999): "Quality Assurance in Luminescence Dating", Geomorphology 29, 173-185; Geomorphology 40, 163-165, 2001.
92. O.B Lian and D. J. Huntley. Luminescence dating. In: W. M. Last & J. P. Smol (editors), Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments: v. 1 : Basin Analysis, Coring, and Chronological Techniques. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 261-282, 2001.
91. S.A. Wolfe, D.J. Huntley, P.P. David, J. Ollerhead, D.J. Sauchyn, and G.M. MacDonald. Late 18th century drought-induced sand-dune activity, Great Sand Hills, Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 38, 105-117, 2001.(html abstract)
90. D.J.Huntley and J.R.Prescott. Improved methodology and new thermoluminescence ages for the dune sequence in south-east South Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews 20, 687-699, 2001.(html abstract)
89. M.A.Short and D.J.Huntley. Crystal anisotropy effects in optically stimulated luminescence of a K-feldspar. Radiation Measurements 32, 865-871, 2000.(html abstract)
88. S.van Heteren, D.J.Huntley, O. van de Plassche and R.K.Lubberts. Optical dating of dune sand for the study of sea level change. Geology 28, 411-414, 2000.(html abstract).
87. O.B.Lian and D.J.Huntley. Optical dating studies of post-glacial aeolian deposits from the south-central interior of British Columbia, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 18, 1453-1466, 1999. (pdf abstract)
86. P.P.David, S.A.Wolfe, D.J.Huntley and D.S.Lemmen. Activity cycle of parabolic dunes based on morphology and chronology from Seward Sand Hills, Saskatchewan, Canada. in: D.S.Lemmen and R.E.Vance eds., Holocene Climate and Environmental Change in the Palliser Triangle: A Geoscientific Context for Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on the Southern Canadian Prairies: Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 534, pp.223-238, 1999. (pdf abstract)
85. D.J.Huntley and O.B.Lian. Using optical dating to determine when a sediment was last exposed to sunlight. in: D.S.Lemmen and R.E.Vance eds., Holocene Climate and Environmental Change in the Palliser Triangle: A Geoscientific Context for Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on the Southern Canadian Prairies: Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 534, pp.211-222, 1999. (pdf file)
84. D.J.Huntley. A proposal for dealing with anomalous fading. Ancient TL 15, 28-29, 1997. (pdf file)
83. D.J.Huntley and M.R.Baril. The K content of the K-feldspars being measured in optical dating or in thermoluminescence dating. Ancient TL 15, 11-13, 1997. (pdf file)
82 D.J.Huntley and J.J.Clague. Optical dating of tsunami-laid sands. Quaternary Research 46, 127-140, 1996. (html abstract)
81. C.M. Murray-Wallace, A.P. Belperio, J.H. Cann, D.J. Huntley and J.R. Prescott. Late Quaternary uplift history, Mount Gambier region, South Australia. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Suppl.-Bd. 106, 41-56, 1996. (html abstract)
80. D. J. Huntley, M. A. Short and K. Dunphy. Deep traps in quartz and their use for optical dating. Can. J. Phys. 74, 81-91, 1996. (html abstract)
79. O. B. Lian, J. Hu, D. J. Huntley and S. R. Hicock. Optical dating studies of Quaternary organic-rich sediments from southwestern British Columbia and northwestern Washington state. Can. J. Earth Sci. 32, 1194-1207, 1995. (html abstract)
78. D. J. Huntley and G. W. Berger. Scatter in luminescence data for optical dating - some models. Ancient TL 13, 5-9, 1995.
77. S. A. Wolfe, D. J. Huntley and J. Ollerhead. Recent and late Holocene sand dune activity in southwestern Saskatchewan. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 1995-B, 131-140.
76. D. J. Huntley. Thick-source alpha counting of peat. Ancient TL 12, 41-42, 1994.
75. D. J. Huntley, O. B. Lian, Hu Jinsheng and J. R. Prescott. Tests of luminescence dating making use of paleomagnetic reversals. Ancient TL 12, 28-30, 1994.
74. C. Ditlefsen and D. J. Huntley. Optical excitation of trapped charges in quartz, potassium feldspars and mixed silicates: the dependence on photon energy. Radiation Measurements 23, 675-682, 1994.
73. J. Ollerhead, D.J. Huntley and G.W. Berger. Luminescence dating of sediments from Buctouche Spit, New Brunswick. Can. J. Earth Sci., 32, 1194-1207, 1995.
72. G.W. Berger and D.J. Huntley. Tests for optically-stimulated luminescence from tephra glass. Quaternary Science Reviews, 13, 509-511, 1994.
71. D.J. Huntley, J. T. Hutton and J.R. Prescott. Further thermoluminescence dates from the dune sequence in the south-east of South Australia, Quaternary Science Reviews 13, 201-207, 1994.
70. J.R. Prescott, D.J. Huntley and J.T. Hutton. Estimation of equivalent dose in thermoluminescence dating--the Australian slide method. Ancient TL 11, 1-5, (1993).
69. D.J. Huntley, J.T. Hutton and J.R. Prescott. Optical dating using inclusions with in quartz grains. Geology 21, 1087-1090 (1993).
68. D.J. Huntley, J.T. Hutton and J.R. Prescott. The stranded beach-dune sequence of south-east South Australia: a test of thermoluminescence dating, 0-800 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews 12, 1-20, (1993).
67. H. Williams, T. Beasley, D. Huntley and W. Newton. An eighteenth-century Spanish jar from the Queen Charlote Islands. B.C. Studies No. 96, 90-99, Winter 1992-93.
66. H. Williams, T. Beasley, D.J. Huntley and W.A. Newton. A Spanish jar from the Queen Charlote Islands, Int. J. of Nautical Archaeology 20, 259-261 (1991).
65. M.A. Short and D.J. Huntley. Infrared stimulation of quartz. Ancient TL 10, 19-21 (1992).
64. J.T. Hutton, J.R. Prescott and D.J. Huntley. Field Measurements of radionuclides and radiation doses in Australian dune systems. Proceedings of the Workshop on Environmental Radiochemistry and Radionuclide Measurement. Adelaide (1990) in press (but never published).
63. D.J. Huntley, D.I. Godfrey-Smith and E.H. Haskell. Light-induced emission spectra from some quartz and feldspars. Nucl. Tracks. Radiat. Meas, Vol. 18, No. 1/2, pp. 127-131, 1991.
62. H. Jungner and D.J. Huntley. Emission spectra of some potassium feldspars under 633 nm stimulation. Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas., Vol. 18, No. 1/2, pp. 125-126, 1991.
61. G.W. Berger and D.J. Huntley. Test data for exponential fits. Ancient TL 7, pp 43-46, 1989.
60. G.W. Berger and D.J. Huntley. Treatment of error in plateau values - caveat emptor. Ancient TL 7, pp 27-29, 1989.
59. D.I. Godfrey-Smith, W.G. McMullan, D.J. Huntley and M.L.W. Thewalt. Time-dependent recombination luminescence spectra arising from optical ejection of trapped charges in zircons. Journal of Luminescence 44, pp 47-58.
58. D.J. Huntley, W.G. McMullan, D.I. Godfrey-Smith and M.L.W. Thewalt. Time- dependent recombination spectra arising from optical ejection of trapped charges in feldspars. Journal of Luminescence 44, pp 41-46, 1989.
57. D.J. Huntley. The Use of Alpha Counting for Determining the Heat Production Due to the Uranium and Thorium Decay Chains. Applied Geochemistry 3, 653-656 (1988).
56. D.I. Godfrey-Smith, D.J. Huntley and W.-H. Chen. Optical Dating Studies of Quartz and Feldspar Sediment Extracts. Quaternary Science Reviews 7, 373-380 (1988).
55. D.J. Huntley, D.I. Godfrey-Smith and M.L.W. Thewalt, J.R. Prescott and J.T. Hutton. Some Quartz Thermoluminescence Spectra Relevant to Thermoluminescence Dating. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements 14, 27-33 (1988).
54. M. Lamothe and D.J. Huntley. Thermoluminescence Dating of Late Pleistocene Sediments, St. Lawrence Lowland, Eastern Canada. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire 42, 33-44 (1988).
53. D.J. Huntley, D.I. Godfrey-Smith, M.L.W. Thewalt and G.W. Berger. Thermoluminescence Spectra of Some Mineral Samples Relevant to Thermoluminescence Dating. J. Luminescence 39, 123-136 (1988).
52. G.W. Berger, J.J. Clague and D.J. Huntley. Thermoluminescence Dating Applied to Glaciolacustrine Sediments from Central British Columbia. Can. J. Earth Sci. 24, 425-434 (1987).
51. S.M. Colman, A.F. Choquette, J.N. Rosholt, G.H. Miller and D.J. Huntley. Dating the Upper Cenozoic Sediments in Fisher Valley, Southeastern Utah. Geological Society of America Bulletin 97, 1422-1431 (1986).
50. G.W. Berger and D.J. Huntley. San Diego Research and Chronology Revisited. Current Research in the Pleistocene 3, 39-40 (1986).
49. G.W. Berger and D.J. Huntley. Linear Regression of TL Data. Ancient TL 4, 26-29 (1986).
48. D.J. Huntley, G.W. Berger and S.G.E. Bowman. Thermoluminescence Responses to Alpha and Beta Irradiations, and Age Determination when the High Dose Response is Non-Linear. Radiation Effects 105, 279-284 (1988).
47. D.J. Huntley, M.K. Nissen, J. Thomson and S.E. Calvert. An Improved Alpha Scintillation Counting Method for Determination of Th, U, Ra-226, Th-230 excess, and Pa-231 excess in Marine Sediments. Can. J. Earth Sciences 23, 959-966 (1986).
46. D.J. Huntley, J.T. Hutton and J.R. Prescott. South Australian Sand Dunes: A TL Sediment Test Sequence: Preliminary Results. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements 10, 757-758 (1985).
45. D.J. Huntley and J.J. Kirkey. The Use of an Image Intensifier to Study the TL Intensity Variability of Individual Grains. Ancient TL 3, 1-4 (1985).
44. D.J. Huntley. On the Zeroing of the Thermoluminescence of Sediments. Phys. Chem. Minerals 12, 122-127 (1985).
43. D.J. Huntley. A Note on the Temperature Dependence of Anomalous Fading. Ancient TL 3, 20-21 (1985).
42. D.J. Huntley, D.I. Godfrey-Smith and M.L.W. Thewalt. Optical Dating of Sediments. Nature 313, 105-107 (1985).
41. G.W. Berger, D.J. Huntley and J.J. Stipp. Thermoluminescence Studies on a 14C-dated Marine Core. Can. J. Earth Sciences 21, 1145-1150 (1984).
40. S.G.E. Bowman and D.J. Huntley. A New Proposal for the Expression of Alpha Efficiency in TL Dating. Ancient TL, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 6-8 (June 1984).
39. A.G. Wintle and D.J. Huntley. ESR Studies of Planktonic Foraminifera. Nature 305, 161-162 (1983).
38. D.J. Huntley, W.R. Dickinson and R. Shutler, Jr. Petrographic Studies and Thermoluminescence Dating of Some Potsherds from Mare and Ouvea, Loyalty Islands. Archaeology in Oceania 18, 106-108 (1983).
37. R. Chen, D.J. Huntley and G.W. Berger. Analysis of Thermoluminescence Data Dominated by Second Order Kinetics. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 79, 251-261 (1983).
36. G.W. Berger and D.J. Huntley. Thermoluminescence Dating of Volcanic Ash. Council of Europe PACT Journal (proceedings of a specialist seminar on thermoluminescence dating, Helsingor, July 1982) 9, 581-592 (1983).
35. D.J. Huntley, G.W. Berger, W.M.R. Divigalpitiya and T.A. Brown. Thermoluminescence Dating of Sediments. Council of Europe PACT Journal (proceedings of a specialist seminar on thermoluminescence dating, Helsingor, July 1982) 9, 607-618 (1983).
34. G.W. Berger, T.A. Brown, D.J. Huntley and A.G. Wintle. 5 Spurious Tidbits. Ancient TL No. 18, 7-10 (1982).
33. A.G. Wintle and D.J. Huntley. Thermoluminescence Dating of Sediments - A Review. Quaternary Science Reviews 1, 31-53 (1982).
32. A.B. Cormie, D.J. Huntley and D.E. Nelson. Identifying Tephras by Alpha Counting. Can. J. Earth Sci. 19, 662-5 (1982).
31. G.W. Berger and D.J. Huntley. Thermoluminescence Dating of Terrigenous Sediments. PACT 6, 495-504 (1982).
30. P.J. Mulhern, G.W. Berger and D.J. Huntley. A Technique for the Magnetic Separation of Silt-Sized Sediments. J. Sedimentary Petrology, June 1981, pp. 672-4.
29. A.B. Cormie, D.E. Nelson and D.J. Huntley. X-ray Fluorescence as a Practical Instrumental Technique for Finger-Printing Tephra Samples Found in Archaeological Deposits. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Tephra Studies as a Tool in Quaternary Research, Laugarvatn, Iceland, June 18-29, pp. 103-107 (1980).
28. D.J. Huntley and A.G. Wintle. The Use of Alpha Scintillation Counting for Measuring Th-230 and Pa-23l Contents of Ocean Sediments. Can. J. Earth Sci. 18, 419-432 (1981).
27. G.W. Berger, P.J. Mulhern and D.J. Huntley. Isolation of Silt-Sized Quartz Grains from Sediments. Ancient TL No. 11, 8-9 (1980).
26. A.G. Wintle and D.J. Huntley. Thermoluminescence Dating of Ocean Sediments. Can. J. Earth Sci. 17, 348-360 (1980).
25. D.J. Huntley and A.G. Wintle. Th-230 Dating of an Ocean Sediment Using Alpha Scintillation Counting. Deep Sea Research 26A, 975-980 (1979).
24. A.G. Wintle and D.J. Huntley. Thermoluminescence Dating of a Deep-Sea Sediment Core. Nature, Vol. 279, No. 5715, 710-712 (1979).
23. D.J. Huntley, F.J. DiSalvo and T.M. Rice. Effect of Electron-Phonon Scattering on Charge Density Wave Transitions. J. Phys. C. 11, L767-L770 (1978).
22. A.G. Wintle and D.J. Huntley. Thermoluminescence Dating of Ocean Sediments. Council of Europe PACT Journal, Vol. 3, 374-380 (1979).
21. D.J. Huntley and A.G. Wintle. Some Aspects of Alpha Counting. Council of Europe PACT Journal, Vol. 2, 115-119 (1978).
20. D.J. Huntley. The Effect of Sample Reflectance in Alpha Counting. Ancient TL, No. 4, 2-3 (Summer 1978).
19. D.J. Huntley and D.C. Bailey. Obsidian Source Identification by Thermo- luminescence. Archaeometry 20, 159-170 (1978).
18. D.J. Huntley. Experiences with an Alpha Counter. Ancient TL, No. 1, 3-6 (Autumn 1977).
17. R.F. Frindt and D.J. Huntley. Experimental Aspects of Superconductivity in Layered Structures. A chapter in The Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Layered Structures, Vol. IV. D. Reidel Publishing Co. 403-422 (1976).
16. D.J. Huntley and R.F. Frindt. Transport Properties of Layered Structure Metals. A chapter in The Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Layered Structures, Vol. IV, D. Reidel Publishing Co. 385-40l (1976).
15. D.J. Huntley and H.P. Johnson. Thermoluminescence as a Potential Means of Dating Siliceous Ocean Sediments. Can. J. Earth Sci. 13, 593-596 (1976).
14. D.J. Huntley. Charge-Density Waves and Superconductivity in NbSe2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 490-491 (1976).
13. D.E. Nelson and D.J. Huntley. On Radiation and Thermoluminescence. Current Anthropology 16, 670-671 (1975).
12. D.J. Huntley and R.F. Frindt. Transport Properties of NbSe2. Can. J. Phys. 52, 861-867 (1974).
11. J. Kopp, D.J. Huntley and R.F. Frindt. Critical Currents in NbSe2: Evidence for Surface Pinning. Can. J. Phys. 50, 2840-2841 (1972).
10. R.F. Frindt, D.J. Huntley and J. Kopp. Discontinuous Flux Flow in Superconducting NbSe2. Solid State Commun. 11, 135-137 (1972).
9. D.J. Huntley. The Thermoelectric Power of Pure Rhodium. Can. J. Phys. 49, 2610-2612 (1971).
8. D.J. Huntley and C.W.E. Walker. Magnetic Field Dependence of the Thermoelectric Power at Low Temperatures for Very Dilute Alloys of Fe in Au. Can. J. Phys. 47, 805-808 (1969).
7. J.C.F. Brock and D.J. Huntley. Phonon Mean Free Paths from Magneto-Thermal-Conductivity Measurements. Can. J. Phys. 46, 2231-2240 (1968).
6. D.J. Huntley and J.R. Andrews. Gamma Photoconductivity of Al203. Can. J. Phys. 46, 147-156 (1968).
5. D.J. Huntley. The Dielectric Constant of UO2 and its Variation with Porosity. Can. J. Phys. 44, 2952-2956 (1966).
4. R. Berman, J.C.F. Brock and D.J. Huntley. Dilute Gold-Iron Thermoelements in Low-Temperature Thermocouples. Adv. in Cryog. Eng. 10, 233-238 (1965).
3. R. Berman, J.C.F. Brock and D.J. Huntley. Properties of Gold +0.03 per cent (at.) Iron Thermoelements Between 2 and 300 ° K and Behaviour in a Magnetic Field. Cryogenics 4, 233-239 (1964).
2. R. Berman and D.J. Huntley. Dilute Gold-Iron Alloys as Thermocouple Material for Low-Temperature Heat Conductivity Measurements. Cryogenics 3, 70-76 (1963).
1. R. Berman, J.C.F. Brock and D.J. Huntley. The Effect of Spin-Phonon Interactions on the Thermal Conductivity of Lanthanum Cobalt Nitrate. Phys. Lett. 3, 310-312 (1963).